Please help me figure out what's wrong! I'm deep in flower. Lots of pics.


Active Member
Hey there, thanks for looking at my post. I'd really love someone that knows this stuff to take a look at my plant and give me their 2 cents.

Here's the info:

Strain: Eva Seeds Missing (
Stage of growth: Day 66 of 12/12
Medium: FFOF in 3.4g airpots
Nutes and Watering: Fox Farms trio, got a free General Organics kit so sparingly used some of the bio weed, bio marine, and bud boost, calmag, liquid karma, sweet. I also used yellow bottle ooze for 3 weeks, as well as open sesame at the start of flower. I went easy on the tiger bloom, and actually used a bit more grow big later into flower...wanted to keep the nitrogen level up a little in flower to see how it impacted the grow. Don't have RO water, just let tap sit out for 24 hours + and ph my nutes to ~6.5 before feeding. Feeding with every other watering, and watering when the pots feel light.
Lights: air cooled 600W hps

So I've been dealing with this issue since a few weeks into veg, and while it hasn't killed the plant, it's apparent that the plant is sick. Many of the leaves are brown/splotchy, and they're actually dying and drying out to the point that you can crumble the leaves in your hands. As you can see from the photos, not all of the leaves are effected, it seems to be effecting the older growth more than the new growth. Also seems to be effecting the top half of the plant more than the bottom.

Also of note, this plant is acting absolutely nothing like the grow journals or discription from the seed company. The leaves are total indica, but the plant stretched nearly 4x in 12/12, and was really late to start budding. Now the buds are enormous, and if I could get this plant healed I'd be able to pull a massive harvest off of her. This plant was also supposed to finish in 55-60 days, and I still have at least 3-4 weeks left (I'm at 9.5 weeks already). I know that there is some haze in the genetics, and the seed company even says "Missing homogeneity does not arrive to 100 % because her component blue, though the result has been spectacular" so I've obviously got some recessive growing here. I'm growing 3 other strains, none of them have had a single issue, and they're all pretty much ready for harvest.

What do you guys think? Thanks for your help!

Photos: the first 4 are the sick plant. The 5th photo is a lovely caramelo that I'm growing, almost harvest time!



Ursus marijanus
Unfortunately I'm not familiar with your nute package, but Fox Farm is well-regarded.
I'm wondering if the pH of your soil could have gone sideways. If you have no lime at all in there it could be sour. If you overlimed, it could be a bit too alkaline. But those leaves suggest lockout to me, probably of K and Mg, possibly P. I would check soil pH and take a look at root health. cn


Well-Known Member
looks like phophrous and magnesium so i would agree that it is most likely lock out of some kind most likely ph... hope this helps plant leaf problem solver.JPG
much love


Active Member
Thanks for the reply, I've wondered if the ph is screwed up but haven't messed with it because I've consistently ph'd all of my water and feedings to ~6.5. I don't have any lime in the soil, so maybe there's not a suffecient buffer and something else is throwing it off. I do think that there's something up with the root structure, it's less dense on this plant than it is on the other 3 healthy's almost like the root structure is underdeveloped, but I don't know why it would be, since the stems are thick and healthy and the plant is large. I did see a few gnats around the room, so I thought it might be a pest problem, but I treated the situation and haven't seen seen any gnats, but the problem still exists.

I'm proceeding cautiously since I can't even figure out if I'm overfeeding or underfeeding, and don't want to swing all the way to one side, guess wrong, and then blow it with only a few weeks left to go.

Also, I believe that there's some blueberry in this plant, and I've read a few grow journals describing this strain as a finicky bitch. All I know is that I got a weird as hell pheno of this strain.

I'm going to see if I can test the soil's ph, do you have any other recs on how to diagnose/treat root issues?

Unfortunately I'm not familiar with your nute package, but Fox Farm is well-regarded.
I'm wondering if the pH of your soil could have gone sideways. If you have no lime at all in there it could be sour. If you overlimed, it could be a bit too alkaline. But those leaves suggest lockout to me, probably of K and Mg, possibly P. I would check soil pH and take a look at root health. cn


Active Member
looks like phophrous and magnesium so i would agree that it is most likely lock out of some kind most likely ph... hope this helps View attachment 2282975
much love
Agreed, it does look a lot like phosphorous and magnesium, and I'd even throw zinc into the mix. It's odd that I'm having this issue since I've carefully balanced the ph before all watering/feeding, giving a calmag and mineral supplement, and have 3 other strains that are on the same regimen and chugging along.

But I agree, it does look like a deficiency. Any tips on how best to proceed? I don't want to shock the hell out of it this far along in 12/12, but with 3-4 weeks left it's worth trying to get it sorted out. Could I be accidentally overfeeding some other nutrient that's having the unintended consequence of locking out p, mg and zn?


Well-Known Member
Agreed, it does look a lot like phosphorous and magnesium, and I'd even throw zinc into the mix. It's odd that I'm having this issue since I've carefully balanced the ph before all watering/feeding, giving a calmag and mineral supplement, and have 3 other strains that are on the same regimen and chugging along.

But I agree, it does look like a deficiency. Any tips on how best to proceed? I don't want to shock the hell out of it this far along in 12/12, but with 3-4 weeks left it's worth trying to get it sorted out. Could I be accidentally overfeeding some other nutrient that's having the unintended consequence of locking out p, mg and zn?
Typically when a salting out occurs first that gets locked out is the micronutrients then comes the macronutrients. You could try to correct it by leeching then feeding with mild feed solution but it appears you have almost a total lockout of micro and macro nutrients. Does not hurt to try to correct it.


It is possible your soil is over aerated. I used an airpot for a little while before I got sick of it. The roots that would reach the outside walls were drying up in between waterings. I just had a little too much perlite for mine to be happy. I got a 2 gram yield off a 3.5 gallon air pot and when I saw the roots they were all crowded in the middle. It was sad. The same strain produced a little under an ounce in a half gallon milk jug.
I could be wrong though.


Active Member
Typically when a salting out occurs first that gets locked out is the micronutrients then comes the macronutrients. You could try to correct it by leeching then feeding with mild feed solution but it appears you have almost a total lockout of micro and macro nutrients. Does not hurt to try to correct it.
Roger that. On the next watering I'll leech the soil and then follow it up with a mild dose of some base nutrients, nothing fancy. Try to start with as much of a clean slate at possible. Do you know the biology behind why some of the growth would be green and healthy, and then other parts of the plant are nearly 100% effected?


Active Member
Typically when a salting out occurs first that gets locked out is the micronutrients then comes the macronutrients. You could try to correct it by leeching then feeding with mild feed solution but it appears you have almost a total lockout of micro and macro nutrients. Does not hurt to try to correct it.
Just an update, and another request for any other opinions from the fellow growers. I took your advice to leech the soil, and with today being watering day I slowly put about 8 gallons of plain water through her. The runoff was clear, almost from the beginning, not sure if I should read anything into this. Then, on the last gallon I mixed up a mild batch of nutes, really just the basics, included a mild dose of CalMag, and went to town with the liquid karma. Tried to keep it all organic. So, that was earlier today, hopefully that will fix the issue.

Here's some pics of her. We're at day 68 of 12/12 right now, and the fucked up leaves not withstanding, she's growing some massive buds. They're sticky as hell, and smell like peaches and oranges. The calyxes have just started swelling, so if I can get this plant to harvest I'm going to be nicely rewarded. Please help me get there! Thanks in advance for any other words of wisdom.


Related, here are a couple of pics of 2 other plants I have going at the moment. This was on day 63. First one is a group shot, got Pineapple express bottom left, trainwreck top left, Caramelo top right and Missing bottom right. The next 2 shots are of the Homegrown Fantaseeds Trainwreck...this plant has the strangest mutant buds, basically rock hard with growth shooting out in all directions. Doesn't look like the heaviest yielder, but the buds are so dense, and the smell is just funky as hell. I bet it's going to be awesome smoke.



Active Member
I agree it looks like nutrient lockout to me. Did you add lime, calcium is mega important, it controls so many other nutrients.

I added a link to check out if you have time, its about 9 mins long, but worth a look, it will probably change the way you build your soil forever. :)


Ursus marijanus
Just an update, and another request for any other opinions from the fellow growers. I took your advice to leech the soil, and with today being watering day I slowly put about 8 gallons of plain water through her. The runoff was clear, almost from the beginning, not sure if I should read anything into this. Then, on the last gallon I mixed up a mild batch of nutes, really just the basics, included a mild dose of CalMag, and went to town with the liquid karma. Tried to keep it all organic. So, that was earlier today, hopefully that will fix the issue.

Here's some pics of her. We're at day 68 of 12/12 right now, and the fucked up leaves not withstanding, she's growing some massive buds. They're sticky as hell, and smell like peaches and oranges. The calyxes have just started swelling, so if I can get this plant to harvest I'm going to be nicely rewarded. Please help me get there! Thanks in advance for any other words of wisdom.

View attachment 2285597View attachment 2285598View attachment 2285599View attachment 2285600

Related, here are a couple of pics of 2 other plants I have going at the moment. This was on day 63. First one is a group shot, got Pineapple express bottom left, trainwreck top left, Caramelo top right and Missing bottom right. The next 2 shots are of the Homegrown Fantaseeds Trainwreck...this plant has the strangest mutant buds, basically rock hard with growth shooting out in all directions. Doesn't look like the heaviest yielder, but the buds are so dense, and the smell is just funky as hell. I bet it's going to be awesome smoke.

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Day 68 means you're in the home stretch. I'd let them dry out pretty far and do a second deep flush (to clear the pH if that is it) and a light feed, omitting any N. (Cal-mag has N.) You're almost there. cn


Active Member
I agree it looks like nutrient lockout to me. Did you add lime, calcium is mega important, it controls so many other nutrients.

I added a link to check out if you have time, its about 9 mins long, but worth a look, it will probably change the way you build your soil forever. :)

I didn't add any lime to the soil, but I am pretty much sold on it for future grows. The only source of calcium that I add comes from the CalMag supplement that I give 5ml of with every other watering. However, after watching that video, maybe I'm overdoing it with the magnesium and blocking other minerals/nutrients out. Next grow should I look into breaking apart my calcium and magnesium, so that I can separately control how much of each I give? I'd like to try raising the calcium, but I don't necessarily want to raise the Mg. Definitely an interesting video - I wasn't up to speed on the importance of Ca, especially when it comes to fighting disease, as well as its relationship with aluminum, and the harm that aluminum can have on a plant.


Active Member
Day 68 means you're in the home stretch. I'd let them dry out pretty far and do a second deep flush (to clear the pH if that is it) and a light feed, omitting any N. (Cal-mag has N.) You're almost there. cn

Thanks for the advice, I'm going to take it. We'll see how she responds to the leeching she got today, let her dry out, and then repeat the same process again. That will put me right around the 10.5 week mark...I see this plant taking a good 12-13 weeks to finish, so maybe I'll give one more light feeding after the next one, and then just go plain water until the finish. If it's looking like it's going to be more like 13-14 weeks, I'll do that extra feeding. Good reminder on the Cal-mag having N, I wouldn't have caught that.

HOME STRETCH!!!!! God I love this.


Active Member
I didn't add any lime to the soil, but I am pretty much sold on it for future grows. The only source of calcium that I add comes from the CalMag supplement that I give 5ml of with every other watering. However, after watching that video, maybe I'm overdoing it with the magnesium and blocking other minerals/nutrients out. Next grow should I look into breaking apart my calcium and magnesium, so that I can separately control how much of each I give? I'd like to try raising the calcium, but I don't necessarily want to raise the Mg. Definitely an interesting video - I wasn't up to speed on the importance of Ca, especially when it comes to fighting disease, as well as its relationship with aluminum, and the harm that aluminum can have on a plant.

Lime on its own should not have mg, the dolomite lime has the mg added. If you want to cut back on mg look at the other limes. I use dolomite.
I could not really say what will suit you the best, but if you want to be spot on get your soil tested.

Epsom salts is mg, so you could work out maybe a mix with more lime, then add smaller amounts of the epsom salts so you still have some mg in there. For me dolomite has great ratios and works.
Since I started adding these things to the soil they work so much better than just added through fertilisation.


Active Member
Lime on its own should not have mg, the dolomite lime has the mg added. If you want to cut back on mg look at the other limes. I use dolomite.
I could not really say what will suit you the best, but if you want to be spot on get your soil tested.

Epsom salts is mg, so you could work out maybe a mix with more lime, then add smaller amounts of the epsom salts so you still have some mg in there. For me dolomite has great ratios and works.
Since I started adding these things to the soil they work so much better than just added through fertilisation.
Gotcha, that's helpful. I'm almost ashamed to say that I have a degree in molecular/cellular's been over 10 years since I freshened up on this stuff, but fuck I've forgotten a lot. I think I'll roll with the dolomite at first, and just cut back on the Cal Mag supplement. Try getting these two from the soil instead of adding them as a supplement with feedings.

It's just odd to me that this one plant was the only one effected, and the other 3 strains chugged right along with no deficiency. But I suppose that some strains are just more sensitive than others, and that's just the nature of the beast.


Active Member
A quick update...I wrote a much longer update that somehow got deleted by RUI when I tried to post it. It's froze up like an eskimo. Anyway, I took the leeching advice, and I think it helped out. The buds are a good bit airier than I would hope for at this point, but they're sticky and coated in resin, although kind of dry too. I think they've probably got another 2-3 weeks. They're enormous, definitely the biggest buds I've ever grown. If I can keep them alive until harvest, I will be rewarded handedly. I still don't know what the hell was wrong them them. Seemed like possibly a pest thing, but I couldn't find anything, even under a microscope. Anyway, so much for being an 8-9 week strain. I definitely got the 14 week pheno. Now she's got the entire 600w to herself.

Thanks for the compliments and advice!


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