PLEASE Help Me Find A Lid For This Container!


Well-Known Member
they don't make them.
that is a dirty dish bucket for restaurants, which requires no lid.
you will have to make your own.


Well-Known Member
I bought my own large plastic box it came with a lid for 15, no need to skimp really on something thats so cheap..

And honestly IT IS NOT easy to cut without power tools lol I was going at my plastic tote with a stanley knife it took alot of work to cut a exhaust hole had even more problems when I realized my 2nd carbon filters exhaust fan where I had put it was curved and had to carve the curve out around the fan to stop it running into the plastic.
That container is THE PERFECT size for my application. I guess I will try to find something to make a rigid waterproof top for it.

PS: A tip when cutting hard thick plastic like that is to heat up a utility knife blade then cut a little.. Then re heat and repeat until finished.. I have cut through some really thick ass decorative outside 5 gallon flower pots with just a utility knife.. It takes a while but it can be done with some effort lol.
I actually have some scrap plywood ( the really thin 1/16'' decorative kind ) that would work. I will have to do a dbl overlapping layer of panda film over it though.. It will prolly warp after a while from the moisture.. Oh well, its worth a shot.:p