Please Help Me! First Grow, Big Trouble!


Thanks for all the props on the cab. It is a process and I am learning as I "grow". My "stealth" mode is due to the fact that I have kids around the house and want to keep it as much on the down low as I can.

These plants are actually autoflower plants and are already flowering. They are getting bigger, but I can contain 2 plants to 3 file drawers and still have the top cabinet to start more seeds so I can harvest on a 4-5 week schedule. I think that should be enough for personal use (which is all I am after).

This is my first grow in this cabinet, but things are going good so far and I think it is gonna work just fine.

Thanks again. I'll take some more pics this week and post the progress.


Good updates:

The cabinet is working better after putting the lighting on an adjustable chain.
I am now able to have all drawers in which allows for the carbon filter to do it's work, cutting down the smell.
I have a few more 'tweaks' on the cabinet, but am happy so far.

The plants are healthy and easier to manage after the lighting switch since it is easier to adjust lights to prevent leaf burn when plants grow into lights.
Buds are looking good and getting big. Nice and hairy and getting big.

Here are some pics:



Well-Known Member
Really progressing well. Had the same experience myself with my equipment, took a few tweaks to get into the 'zone'.