Please Help Me. Im Desperate. My 1st Grow


Active Member
So Heres What Happend. I Was Moving My Plant To Outdoors And Was Going To Hang A Bucket From A Tree. But To Avoid Detection Of A White Bucket Hanging From The Tree I Spray Painted It Black. Now Me Being A Dumbass I Didnt Cover The Plant Up And I Sprayed A Lite Mist Of Black Spray Paint On Some Of The Leaves. The Plant Only Has 4 Sets Of Leaves But Im Not Sure What Will Happen To It. I Just Did It Like An Hour Ago. So I Was Wodering If I Should Just Pull It And Start Over Or If It Mite A Chance Of Surviving? Any Advice Would Be Greatly Appriciated. Please Help?!?!?


Well-Known Member
It will live, but she will be stunted. Overall I think it will get back onto whatever indoor-outdoor-white-dumbass-black-paint-tree-bucket track it is you are running her down.

I'm joking. Give her a day or two and if she looks good then she will be fine. If she dies then she probably won't do so well.


Well-Known Member
Just leave it be and see what happens. Eventually you can cut off the painted leaves if you feel the need - EVENTUALLY, not now. However, I have to think that if you're doing things like this already you may have a difficult time getting to the harvest stage. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I remember a grow journal with a dude growing a bunch of pot hanging buckets from the top of some big ass pine trees. He had that shit way up there too, looked pretty crazy.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Surely there has to be an easier way to deter wildlife? To me it sounds like a good idea in theory but if it does make it through flowering won't it be a huge hassle having to climb a tree every time you want to check on it/water it/feed it, not to mention having to get up the tree with whatever it needs? Is the bucket strong enough to support the weight of a fully grown, watered plant? Also it would be hard to explain what you were doing if someone came along. I hope if you have to climb up a bit you'll make sure you use some kind of safety equipment because it would really suck to fall out of tree and injure yourself and get busted because you had to call for help. Good luck with the grow and stay safe!


Active Member
I was wonderin' the same thing ... staysmacked, how come the tree?
ive grown up trees and it works fine. mainly to stop pig dogs sniffin it out and harder to find if your out to pillage someones crop.the cops are sometimes too stupid to look up and are more conserned about whats on the ground. with grown up in trees ive used water crystals, about a quarter of them soaked in liquid nutes and the rest in water, mix through soil when transplanted, put up lasts for about 3 weeks before you need to water again.i used a pullie system so i only had to climb tree once to attach it.then with rope i tied it about 20ft up tree so it wasnt obvious what was up there. ive had 3 sucsessfull grows like this :joint: