please help me Im having problems in week 6 of flower G.S.C. DWC small grow tent


Active Member
1.5 gallons of 70 degree water (infused with organic sugars?) in a 5 gallon bucket sounds like problems to me. Topside doesn't look too bad though so you must be doing a lot of maintenance, and a decent job for what it's worth. That can be deceiving though and its the root zone that actually matters.

If I were you I would simply replace the bucket with the biggest storage bin you can fit, like a 15 gallon cheap rubber maid one if possible. They are usually wider but shorter than a 5 gallon. Cut a hole in the new lid big enough for the root ball, and plop the old lid with the plant into the new hole.

Should be able to at least quadruple the amount of water/solution, making it way more stable against ph drift and whatnot. Give you way more time to relax and enjoy whats coming.
So my ppm was at 640 this morning from 520. So i made a new batch with only 5ml of bloom 5ml micro , 5ml cal mag amp ppm @ 450 ph was @ 5.8 when i get back from work later 2night i usually check my ph and ppm. Is that correct?

Drop That Sound

Well-Known Member
Ya you would want to keep slowly lowering the feed like your doing. 50 PPM increments is good. I'm guessing if you added 400PPM solution, it will be around 450 or so, and closer to the sweet spot.

You are gonna find that you need to change the res at least 2 times a day though to keep it that way. Or top it up with plain PH'ed water halfway through the day.

You might need to go even lower than 400ppm with your current setup. Don't think of it as its only getting 350, because at the end of the day it would be getting more until you hit the exact amount. You might find that using 300 is the spot, and at the end of the day you have 300. In that case, you would just top it back up with 300 again, and not even have to do a full change but once a week.

Your at week 6 anyway and GSC can't be more than a 10 week strain. At 6 weeks the plants will noticeably start eating less. I've only grown a cross of GSCs so can't be too specific. I know you could ride out the last 4 weeks or so with low PPMs though. I prefer to just run a low PPM towards the end anyway, and let the plant consume itself. Some flush with plain water for 2 weeks or more. I don't really flush at all anymore. No need to if your not overfeeding.

How many gallons a day is she drinking would you say? 1/2 gallon or more?

Is it getting low enough that the roots aren't being fully submerged? Roots drying out isn't a good thing. You need to keep the water level the same at all times. A little lower isn't bad, but more than a few inches isn't good, especially in a small container. If the roots are halfway submerged, then the plant can't really use the half that isn't. The bubbles popping at the surface do have somewhat of an aeroponic effect in the way that they mist the roots coming from the net pot, but only so high.

If you had the plant in a small net cup, like a 2-3 incher, you would be able to fill the bucket with more than 1.5 gallons. I'm guessing you are in a bigger one though, like 6 inch or something.

I think you need at least 5 full gallons of water in your container. As in, replace the bucket with a bigger container\tote, or add an external res if you can't fit one. Or a float valve hooked to the RO (or a higher bucket using gravity).

I would opt for the $10 or cheaper plastic tote myself. Then everything else I've said would be more important.

Your gonna have to deal with wild fluctuations and multiple res changes to keep the solution stabilized if you don't.

Plants actually excrete waste back into the solution through the roots. Especially during flower. Think about it that way. Like having a big gold fish in a small cup of water. Until you give him a big enough tank, he will start to suffer no matter what.


Well-Known Member
Ya you would want to keep slowly lowering the feed like your doing. 50 PPM increments is good. I'm guessing if you added 400PPM solution, it will be around 450 or so, and closer to the sweet spot.

You are gonna find that you need to change the res at least 2 times a day though to keep it that way. Or top it up with plain PH'ed water halfway through the day.

You might need to go even lower than 400ppm with your current setup. Don't think of it as its only getting 350, because at the end of the day it would be getting more until you hit the exact amount. You might find that using 300 is the spot, and at the end of the day you have 300. In that case, you would just top it back up with 300 again, and not even have to do a full change but once a week.

Your at week 6 anyway and GSC can't be more than a 10 week strain. At 6 weeks the plants will noticeably start eating less. I've only grown a cross of GSCs so can't be too specific. I know you could ride out the last 4 weeks or so with low PPMs though. I prefer to just run a low PPM towards the end anyway, and let the plant consume itself. Some flush with plain water for 2 weeks or more. I don't really flush at all anymore. No need to if your not overfeeding.

How many gallons a day is she drinking would you say? 1/2 gallon or more?

Is it getting low enough that the roots aren't being fully submerged? Roots drying out isn't a good thing. You need to keep the water level the same at all times. A little lower isn't bad, but more than a few inches isn't good, especially in a small container. If the roots are halfway submerged, then the plant can't really use the half that isn't. The bubbles popping at the surface do have somewhat of an aeroponic effect in the way that they mist the roots coming from the net pot, but only so high.

If you had the plant in a small net cup, like a 2-3 incher, you would be able to fill the bucket with more than 1.5 gallons. I'm guessing you are in a bigger one though, like 6 inch or something.

I think you need at least 5 full gallons of water in your container. As in, replace the bucket with a bigger container\tote, or add an external res if you can't fit one. Or a float valve hooked to the RO (or a higher bucket using gravity).

I would opt for the $10 or cheaper plastic tote myself. Then everything else I've said would be more important.

Your gonna have to deal with wild fluctuations and multiple res changes to keep the solution stabilized if you don't.

Plants actually excrete waste back into the solution through the roots. Especially during flower. Think about it that way. Like having a big gold fish in a small cup of water. Until you give him a big enough tank, he will start to suffer no matter what.
I use a 6" net pot in a 4 gallon bucket, and I still get 2 gallons in it. 1.5 once it's full of roots. That's gotta be a huge net pot, and if so, it's way overkill.

Drop That Sound

Well-Known Member
I've been using 3.75" for a long time. A little beefier & wider than a 3", but about the same height. A few inches of space is a big deal in a smaller bucket. Probably a gallons worth for every 3" if I remember right.. Haven't used buckets for awhile.

I don't rely on the net pots to secure the plants though, and usually let the scrog nets do the work.

Grown plants so big (2 .5 lbers) they actually split the 3.75" net pots in half, and cracked 5 gallon bucket lids. Had to tape the net pot back together. Even the sgrog nets couldn't hold all the weight, and one plant kept falling down into the res. Had to tie it up with completely stretched bungee cords, lol.


My new perpetual systems i'm building, i'm gonna use 3 inchers, and probably not grow huge plants though. I am adding larger holes to the new RDWC system lids though, in case I want to grow big ones again. Bigger net pots for bigger plants does work better ;)

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Well-Known Member
I've been using 3.75" for a long time. A little beefier & wider than a 3", but about the same height. A few inches of space is a big deal in a smaller bucket. Probably a gallons worth for every 3" if I remember right.. Haven't used buckets for awhile.

I don't rely on the net pots to secure the plants though, and usually let the scrog nets do the work.

Grown plants so big (2 .5 lbers) they actually split the 3.75" net pots in half, and cracked 5 gallon bucket lids. Had to tape the net pot back together. Even the sgrog nets couldn't hold all the weight, and one plant kept falling down into the res. Had to tie it up with completely stretched bungee cords, lol.

View attachment 5040175

My new perpetual systems i'm building, i'm gonna use 3 inchers, and probably not grow huge plants though. I am adding larger holes to the new RDWC system lids though, in case I want to grow big ones again. Bigger net pots for bigger plants does work better ;)

View attachment 5040180View attachment 5040181

I know your struggles my friend. Lol


Active Member
im using RO water. i change and clean the rez evrry day
im using RO water. i change and clean the rez evrry day
If your around i need help still please if your not too busy. my ppm went from 300 to 388 over night and my ph had gone from 5.9 to 6.4. Should i keep decreasing the nutes untill the ppm dont go up or is there an acceptable amt of ppm going up


Active Member
I've been using 3.75" for a long time. A little beefier & wider than a 3", but about the same height. A few inches of space is a big deal in a smaller bucket. Probably a gallons worth for every 3" if I remember right.. Haven't used buckets for awhile.

I don't rely on the net pots to secure the plants though, and usually let the scrog nets do the work.

Grown plants so big (2 .5 lbers) they actually split the 3.75" net pots in half, and cracked 5 gallon bucket lids. Had to tape the net pot back together. Even the sgrog nets couldn't hold all the weight, and one plant kept falling down into the res. Had to tie it up with completely stretched bungee cords, lol.

View attachment 5040175

My new perpetual systems i'm building, i'm gonna use 3 inchers, and probably not grow huge plants though. I am adding larger holes to the new RDWC system lids though, in case I want to grow big ones again. Bigger net pots for bigger plants does work better ;)

View attachment 5040180View attachment 5040181
That is unbelievably amazing. Very cool


Active Member
Ya you would want to keep slowly lowering the feed like your doing. 50 PPM increments is good. I'm guessing if you added 400PPM solution, it will be around 450 or so, and closer to the sweet spot.

You are gonna find that you need to change the res at least 2 times a day though to keep it that way. Or top it up with plain PH'ed water halfway through the day.

You might need to go even lower than 400ppm with your current setup. Don't think of it as its only getting 350, because at the end of the day it would be getting more until you hit the exact amount. You might find that using 300 is the spot, and at the end of the day you have 300. In that case, you would just top it back up with 300 again, and not even have to do a full change but once a week.

Your at week 6 anyway and GSC can't be more than a 10 week strain. At 6 weeks the plants will noticeably start eating less. I've only grown a cross of GSCs so can't be too specific. I know you could ride out the last 4 weeks or so with low PPMs though. I prefer to just run a low PPM towards the end anyway, and let the plant consume itself. Some flush with plain water for 2 weeks or more. I don't really flush at all anymore. No need to if your not overfeeding.

How many gallons a day is she drinking would you say? 1/2 gallon or more?

Is it getting low enough that the roots aren't being fully submerged? Roots drying out isn't a good thing. You need to keep the water level the same at all times. A little lower isn't bad, but more than a few inches isn't good, especially in a small container. If the roots are halfway submerged, then the plant can't really use the half that isn't. The bubbles popping at the surface do have somewhat of an aeroponic effect in the way that they mist the roots coming from the net pot, but only so high.

If you had the plant in a small net cup, like a 2-3 incher, you would be able to fill the bucket with more than 1.5 gallons. I'm guessing you are in a bigger one though, like 6 inch or something.

I think you need at least 5 full gallons of water in your container. As in, replace the bucket with a bigger container\tote, or add an external res if you can't fit one. Or a float valve hooked to the RO (or a higher bucket using gravity).

I would opt for the $10 or cheaper plastic tote myself. Then everything else I've said would be more important.

Your gonna have to deal with wild fluctuations and multiple res changes to keep the solution stabilized if you don't.

Plants actually excrete waste back into the solution through the roots. Especially during flower. Think about it that way. Like having a big gold fish in a small cup of water. Until you give him a big enough tank, he will start to suffer no matter what.
Sorry i just now am seeing this. Ty


Well-Known Member
If your around i need help still please if your not too busy. my ppm went from 300 to 388 over night and my ph had gone from 5.9 to 6.4. Should i keep decreasing the nutes untill the ppm dont go up or is there an acceptable amt of ppm going up
Ppms should not go up. That means nutrients are leaching from the plant. Usually it means you need to up the feed, until it balances out.


Active Member
I do have the 6 inch 1. Ok so i will work towards getting a larger rez but i am stuck with this for now. So should i stay at 300 or go lower today? She drinks about a half gallon or little more a day