please help me my plants need to go back into veg


Well-Known Member
Let them reveg back into veg state on 18/6 hours. It will take them time to go back into veg but youre on the right track.

It's a slow process be patient.


Well-Known Member
24/0 them bitches like a real pro :blsmoke:

Ur gonna get some funky growth. They are so small it may just be better to restart
His mini version of monster cropping. The next round once those babies reveg should see some monster growth.


Well-Known Member
Can I ask what's with the pencil? There is a pencil laying in the center of your pot right? Or am I just blunted


New Member
It’s going to take a few weeks for them to really kick into gear when revegging from flower in my experience, but they’ll take off once they revert. Like others have said if you keep the lights on a 18/6- or 24/7 schedule you’ll be fine.