Please help me name this new baby .....He is registered as Psnowman

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Well-Known Member
You know, the thing I dislike about you most is that you seem to be willing to betray Abe's trust with glee. Whatever conversations you and he had were private. Maybe he expressed some misgivings about some people here being a little harsh. We are. But at least we are not a bunch of snitches.
LOL....well you can't defend a betrayer, but you just did. I did nothing to Abe, He chose to be friends and then bucky told him not too and he does not have the balls or manhood to say no am her friend. That is the little person he is, and most of you are, so I betrayed no one, he turned on me because his big daddy told him to do so...that is on him not me, but good try dude...sorry sad bunch of mindless drones...


Well-Known Member
You know, the thing I dislike about you most is that you seem to be willing to betray Abe's trust with glee. Whatever conversations you and he had were private. Maybe he expressed some misgivings about some people here being a little harsh. We are. But at least we are not a bunch of snitches.
There is Uncle Bucky leading his posie...Hi feeling all mighty and big today???LMAO


Well-Known Member
LOL....well you can't defend a betrayer, but you just did. I did nothing to Abe, He chose to be friends and then bucky told him not too and he does not have the balls or manhood to say no am her friend. That is the little person he is, and most of you are, so I betrayed no one, he turned on me because his big daddy told him to do so...that is on him not me, but good try dude...sorry sad bunch of mindless drones...


Well-Known Member
Abe, grow some Kahunas why don't ya!
The word you are searching for is cojones, not Kahunas. There is that Mensa, or rather lack thereof again.
plural noun: kahunas
  1. (in Hawaii) a wise man or shaman.
    • North Americaninformal
      an important person; the person in charge.
      "one big kahuna runs the whole show"
    • North Americaninformal
      (in surfing) a very large wave.


Well-Known Member
The word you are searching for is cojones, not Kahunas. There is that Mensa, or rather lack thereof again.
plural noun: kahunas
  1. (in Hawaii) a wise man or shaman.
    • North Americaninformal
      an important person; the person in charge.
      "one big kahuna runs the whole show"
    • North Americaninformal
      (in surfing) a very large wave.
whateva's, not here to impress you or write a thesis....simply typing away with very little concern for impressing a bunch of assholes...kinda like tomatoe, tomato, tomata's...who cares, well except those that spend their entire life working on trying to belittle people, and as that is your goal, you are failing miserably...


Well-Known Member
whateva's, not here to impress you or write a thesis....simply typing away with very little concern for impressing a bunch of assholes...kinda like tomatoe, tomato, tomata's...who cares, well except those that spend their entire life working on trying to belittle people, and as that is your goal, you are failing miserably...
Youre an ass, ass speaking. Failing miserably is your M.O. certified fucking clown.
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Well-Known Member
whateva's, not here to impress you or write a thesis....simply typing away with very little concern for impressing a bunch of assholes...kinda like tomatoe, tomato, tomata's...who cares, well except those that spend their entire life working on trying to belittle people, and as that is your goal, you are failing miserably...
Failing??!! Hardly, You already snapped yesterday and now you are flailing. Your rudimentary debate/argument skills are juvenile. Look at your stereotypic uses of exageration, creation of strawmen and artificial aura of superiority. You are a mere snack


Well-Known Member
I haven't snapped, lmao, I laugh at you all, mock you, tell my friends about this stoner room, where the most important thing to this crazy group of used up old men and a few women who think that being a part of your group makes them special, is going around and bullying and harassing folks....if you got to me, I would already be gone. As you little toads find it so important to make yourselves feel good about yourselves by trying to humiliate, scoff, scorn, and call people the ugliest names they can think of...well no you do not get to me, but I do find myself shocked at the bullying tactics you utilize for what I would think were a bunch of grown ups!


Well-Known Member
I haven't snapped, lmao, I laugh at you all, mock you, tell my friends about this stoner room, where the most important thing to this crazy group of used up old men and a few women who think that being a part of your group makes them special, is going around and bullying and harassing folks....if you got to me, I would already be gone. As you little toads find it so important to make yourselves feel good about yourselves by trying to humiliate, scoff, scorn, and call people the ugliest names they can think of...well no you do not get to me, but I do find myself shocked at the bullying tactics you utilize for what I would think were a bunch of grown ups!
You were the one who jacked to escalation over a very minor joke concerning the name of your equine mutant. That was what got my attention, you over reacted to my comment. You've committed yourself to a fight, you can't take it back and claim innocence. You are not who you say you are, that is quite obvious to most folks here. Going back and reviewing it is also apparent you intended all this to occur. You got what you wanted, so quit whining


Well-Known Member
Dunno, you are the ones that keep coming after me, hell I was just trying to name my new baby, but yeah, I think when someone is so disgusting to throw out a name like "cunt flap", yeah is something I prefer not to see. I would think people could keep it slightly more civil than that...
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