Please help me name this new baby .....He is registered as Psnowman

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Well-Known Member
It's a female! Good looking horse. Do we get to see it every time you post? placing it as your avatar would be a good way to achieve that.
Even my wife noticed it from across the room. She asked what I was doing looking at horse pictures. Thank god the software cut the size down (have you clicked it to see the original size?)

Follow Abe's advice. It is really annoying. As was your choice to make us all see it 12 times per page.

Of course you won't be winning many friends with the second one either.

Bob Zmuda

Well-Known Member
Even my wife noticed it from across the room. She asked what I was doing looking at horse pictures. Thank god the software cut the size down (have you clicked it to see the original size?)

Follow Abe's advice. It is really annoying. As was your choice to make us all see it 12 times per page.

Of course you won't be winning many friends with the second one either.
"Why are you looking at horses?"- my wife.

"I'm not. There's this stupid guy that's pretending to be a chick, and well, for some reason "she" has chosen to really like horses and make sure everyone else likes horses so "she" made a giant horse picture appear in "her" signature". -me

"Sorry I asked." -my wife.
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