Please Help Me!


need help with these leaves are turning yellow and curling up. humidity is 25% temps are 60 to 65 at dark hours and 65 to 75 light hours. They are two weeks old, no nutes, 435cfm exhaust fan and my 600w Mh is 4 feet away till i figure this out. Cal/mag??



Well-Known Member
Bring your light down to 24" keep the plants off to the side, not directly under. Have exhaust come on once every 15-30 mins for a air exchange. That will help get your humidity up.


Well-Known Member
ur plants looks like already it need N...that is the yellowing & ur soil to start feeding. u could definitely benefit from trying to keep those night temps at 65 or even better 70, 60 is hurting ur growth for sure and only 65-70 with light on? I doubt that with 600w, where r u taking ur temp reading at, what level? Definitely move the plants closer to the light as well!


I just got some foli-cal and some bonide nutes 10-10-10 was going to try an 1/8 dose of them once my soil has dried out completely. Please help out with your in put........


Well-Known Member
Your going to kill them. Do you know what 10-10-10 is ? N-P-K . Do you what the P-K are for ? Your adding nutrients to soon, and nutes that are not needed because you have no patients, or this is a first grow and you are pushing the hard way and you will learn the hard way. You want your garden to grow? Stay away from nutes for 1-2 weeks then only add a very small amount of N . Good Luck grower~ P.s. Don't ever let your soil dry out. How do you feel when you sweat out after and have nothing to drink ?
I just got some foli-cal and some bonide nutes 10-10-10 was going to try an 1/8 dose of them once my soil has dried out completely. Please help out with your in put........


They Are almost 3 weeks old and they need something?? That is why i was thinking 1/8 dose of nutes and a cal dose


Well-Known Member
3 weeks old I can see giving them a small dose of N. Do you have funds to grow or are you working with "dirt" LOL. It helps to know.


Well-Known Member
i tried to come back to this yesterday but couldnt find it...I kept thinking, crap forgot to tell the guy his humidity is too low (it should be about 50-70% right now. I see here u were given advice about that. and about letting the soil get dry, let me explain this further for you. It is okay to let the top of the soil or top inch or soil get dry, this is normal, but...not the best way to guage when u need to water. The best method is water by weight (hefting its called). when u water u should be watering always until u have runoff first off. Now after u have done so make a mental note of how heavy the container is the plant is in at that time. Now u lift it everyday & once it is noticeably lighter, then u water again; it gets easier with time. goldenganga is right that plants r like us, they dont want to feel bloated (overwatered) nor dying of thirst.

i think however members like goldenganga loose all credibility when saying things like the following:

"Do you have funds to grow or are you working with "dirt" LOL. It helps to know." and that was after he was first condescending to u when he said "Do you know what 10-10-10 is ? N-P-K . Do you what the P-K are for ?"

I dont care if he has 100,000 posts he wasnt born knowing how to grow cannabis & when u start making those comments, ur better served if ur a member like that, refraining from answering questions alltogether. He could of simply said, I would instead recommend XXXXX, instead of being sarcastic & not providing alternate info was too much trouble, I suppose.

I will chime in with my 2 cents, ur like most people when they start to grow, they do so ON a budget of course AND I think most the first time they ever grew, did so with a multi-purpose fertilizer or an NPK fert. Giving ur plants 1/8 dose at over 2 weeks when they've had nothing is not going to kill them & is just FINE. U dont need to worry about giving them a N only fertilizer, but u can or u can find "natural" ways to add N to the soil. not familiar with foli-cal, but generally a calcium deficiency so early is uncommon. at a month, u can up ur nutes to 1/4 strength & start with ur foli-cal. Only give them 2 doses in the next 2 weeks from now until then of ur 10-10-10.

2 final pieces of advice, first off make sure ur taking ur ph after u water soil, about 10 minutes after for accurate reading. 2nd, never add nuted water directly to dry soil. Always water with plain ph'd water first at least filling the top of the pot about 1/4 inch depth & around & let it drain through, then add ur nuted water.

Hope this has been helpful & non-sarcastic at the same time :)


Well i got a humidifier today and watered with 1/8 nutes cross your fingers for me. the current temp is 77 and 37% humidity that is already a lot better wish me luck!!!

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
Ok leave them alone for a couple days. The soil will buffer what ever you gave them and it will take a couple of days to show improvement.

What kind of soil is that?


Well-Known Member
much better & humidity will likely rise more, so this will help a lot.

lord dangly: he said no nutes in original post, i took it to me there is no nutes in the soil at all (could be wrong).


It is jiffy seed starter. Shit I lied I did not think there was any but after looking a the bag again there is 0.07-0.05-0.04. SHIT well at least it is not much i don't think that matters right???

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
Yes it does matter, your leaves got burned by hot soil. I get the same effect using FFOF (just not to the extent as you). Just don't over water or flush as this releases more nutes.



Well I Fucked myslef even more then by feeding them an 1/8 dose last night!! Should i tranplant?? Right now they are in the starter pots that you just put into bigger pots so you do not have to stress them but if i am going to have more problems i could chance it and take them out. i have soil and mix with no nutes i could put them in ( I already check again for nutes and there is none)..


Well-Known Member
from what i see ur plants r showing NO signs of nute burn whatsoever. I think ur fine. I would advise u now to just wait 4-5 days to see how the plants react.


Thanks guys. I have to leave them for 12 days and my wife will take care of them should I transplant before I go??
And if I should, should I leave them in those pot the roots are sposed to be able to grow through them?
Sorry for all the ??'s