Please help.. my baby is only 8 inches tall. Is she ready to go.. ive got pics


:hump:Ok guys this is the story of my eight inch plant. I really took experimenting to extremes. I germinated her in march dude. Up until 3 months ago she was in a hydro bin. I have her back in mg doing fabulous. She stopped growing all together in may then pow, out of no where she looks ripe or getting there.. but either way is it even possible for a plant to be eight inches tall. she only has like 6 flower spots. Is she ready to be plucked????? please help guys im biting nails over here ready to smoke this kill



people do it all the time in mini stealth grow's......but your dont seem ready just yet! but when you think they are ready wait two weeks


She is on her 6th week of flowering, almost of all the pistols are brown. Honestly guys give me some opinions. No offense to you rwerner4, i just want a second opinion are hundreds help out guys....


You can think what you want but upon further review of it i think you are 2 weeks away because of the un evenness of the hair colors from what i can see.......but your there, you make the choice.......when i use and indoor setup its always 8+ weeks flowering...but thats just me