Please help my baby is sickly!

Hey guys today marks 2 weeks in my babies life. I have recently noticed algae growth in my Res and on top of my rockwool. I read somehwere that it shouldnt effect my plants but I will be taking measures to get rid of it.

My PH is currently 6.3, my temp is 79-80F using 3 cfl's 2 6500k and 1 2700k cfls

Just one plant is showing leaf symptoms. I already got rid of the first two leaves that it sprouted because they were so sickly, now over the past 24 hours the second set of leaves has gotten it and is getting really bad. I have 3 pictures!

Please tell me what I can do to save my baby and what I am doing wrong!

Third pic is what it looks like now! Desperate



Well-Known Member
Are you only growing in rockwool? if so you are hydro and your ph should be 5.8 not 6.3, that's for soil, algae on top of your rockwool is normal, it won't hurt the plant but if it's too annoying cover it, as for your reservoir, cover it, algae needs light to grow, also are you feeding them any nutes? they look hungry.
Thanks for the info, I am feeding them fox farm grow big (half tea spoon per gal) and bloom, just less than a tablespoon per gal. I am only showing one plant in my pics, the rest look fairly healthy. The pics I am showing show the progression of it's illness.

Plan on covering the res tomorrow, what should I cover it with?


Well-Known Member
Doesn't matter, anything that's available, the object is to keep the light out, also you should know the strength of your nutes, using a tds meter is as important as a ph meter when it comes to hydro, the nutes you are using, are they specifically made for hydro? or can they be used for hydro, some soil ferts do not desolve enough for hydro, make sure you are using the right ferts, also 30 mins feeding seems to be a lot, I'd at least cut it down to 15 once a day, give your rockwool time to dry out a little, mj likes that.
Just bought the TDS meter. I have been feeding my plants by just adding the nuted water directly to the res. Is this the absolute wrong way to do it?

The nutes are fox farm, they can be used for hydro.


Well-Known Member
Sounds ok to me, adding nutes to reservoir that is, as well as getting a tds meter, that will help alot.