If you topped it off with light mix you are going to have knocked the PH of the coco out of whack with what it needs to be.
completely untrue
Light mix = organics ph 6.5 is about optimal
Coco = hydro you want something more like 5.8-6.2
we pretty much agree. except coco is nothing like hydro.
The coco nutrients are made to be used in the coco PH range which is different to that of organic soils.
coco nutes are made for coco, yes. but if you read up on the mediums you are referring to, and plant nutrition then you would know that "coco nutes" are not gonna work any better then synthetic or organic nutes. same goes for any good soil , "coco nutes" , organic and synthetic are pretty much the same if done right. you show me the ingredients of the "coco nutes" that differ from other food that dont say coco on the bottle ?
Your medium's PH is basically too high for your nutrients.
if this is true then his ph is too high for ANY nutes. a plant dont uptake the foods any differently because its coco.
You said it yourself they are both the same 'When broken down' try adding a standard dose of organics and a strong enzyme product at the same time and see what happens to the plants.
i do it every feeding. i dont use a "strong" dose of enzymes though cause its not needed. a small dose is fine.
Have you checked the PH of lightmix and taken into consideration that it takes a tiny bit of PH to massively adjust pure water. COCO is an inert medium and it might have buffering capabilities, but putting soil in there is going to raise the ec of the COCO and raise the PH as well. You have to be really careful with these things to ensure success.
what is a tiny bit of "ph" ?
the word buffering means to buffer ....i think.
dont you "raise the ec of the coco" everytime you feed ?
PH 8 and 4 will kill beneficial fungi and bacteria, annihilate your microherd completely. Suddenly there is nothing to break down the raw materials in the soil ? Where did you get that info ?
"buffering" is in the dictionary.
you have to be A LOT more careless then that to kill the microherd !
And wait a second ? Where is your actual solution for OP ?
are you even reading the thread ?
Don't go calling people undereducated ? How do you know what I have studied ? What I have done and what experience I have ?
I almost always state that everything I say is IMO and people should formulate their own opinions. Which this is.
i didnt call you undereducated , i said your info was. i dont know what you have studied , but your info shows what you have not studied.
i also said no offence , i was hopin you would learn from it.
Also where are all your threads giving back to the community and proving your worth ? My garden speaks for itself.
go look for yourself , i have helped a lot of folks on here. thats all i do. and if im wrong i am quick to admit it. i give way more then i recieve , i got a good heart. my posts an info speaks for itself. i was growing good dope LONG before i knew shit about growing. your garden (unless you post probs) dont mean shit to anyone other then you.
if your good at it , i respect you for that , and i dont need to see your garden , you say it looks good an all you got is your word so i believe you.
Argue with me, debate with me, fine. Please don't call people undereducated, especially when you do not use correct grammar yourself.
i'll debate all day but fuck the arguin. my grammer is very undereducated , thats fine , i admit that. again i never called you nothin.