Please help my flowers are not swelling?


Active Member
Hello! Please help! I have a G13 haze from barneys farm. G13 X Hawaiian Haze. It is a sativa (Hawaiian Haze) dominant strain that takes 70-80 days as advertised. I am now 34 days in to flowering and yet my flowers do not seem to be growing. I have a 400w HPS and 50w LED and small 18W CFL, In soil/perlite/vermic with bio bizz organic nutrients, grow, bloom and heaven plus vitalink plantstart as baby. My plant due to neccessity recieves 16-18 hours of dark and 6-8 hours of light for 2 days every week. I think this is what has stunted/delayed the flowering by a good couple of weeks. WILL MY YIELD BE SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCED? or will it just take longer for me to finish and still get the same amount and potency of bud?



it will be fine. And the less light it recieves under the 12hr mark is just cutting into time not growing so you will logically have a slightly smaller yield but I doubt its any amount to worry about.


New Member
is the plant growing more vertical than thickening up? i would just keep it on 12/12 cause the plant is prolly trying to go back into veg for those 2 dayz and its def not helpin your grow.


Active Member
I see! Faulty T, thank you for your input. So by getting 16 hours dark instaed of 12 for two days a week i will end up getting a smaller yield, but should finish at the usual time and not take any longer. Damn shame, I put so much time and effort in to that plant, neccessity dictates i must b away for two days hence cannot have th elights on the full 12 hours out of 24 so only about 8/24 is provided. I have truly become broken hearted!!! So time keeping the lighting and making sure the correct number of hours of light/dark is provided at the relevant stage of growth is a FUNDAMENTAL aspect of growing INDOORS. So even though nearly all other significant aspcts of plant growth have been met (22-26C/18-19C temps, Bio Bizz nutrients, 80w of light per square foot of HPS 400w,LED 80w,CFL 18w for 6.25 square feet, Constant Fan exchange of fesh air from outside p.h altered water/nutes to 6.5. I genuinely really tried yet have failed simply because the lighting hours did not correspond with what the plant needed. i Guess we only learn through error, in future i will not undertake a grow if i am not able to meet this fundamental requirement.