PLEASE HELP! My plants are showing signs of problems


New Member
Hey I'm new here to the forums but...

My plants are having problems I recently put them into 16oz cups with ProMix hp they are about 19 days old and I have fed them with one dose of 20-20-20 veg food and General Organics cal-mag , bioroot and grozyme then followed by one feeding of grozyme what should I do ? Some leaves have clawing tips others look kinda puffy and the leaves at the bottom are turnin purple and yellow along with stems turning yellow aswell

If anyone knows a solution please help !

Thanks !


Active Member
Well no pics? First off that's seems like some crazy fertilizer. And second do u ph ur water when u water and when u feed? There is so many more factors. Even if you had pics it would be hard to tell
Lack of food? Low ph high ph , or the 20-20-20.

Sent from my SCH-I545

sativa indica pits

Active Member
I dont have to feed untill around day 30-35-40 depending on strain and what not. But I also use pro-mix. Be careful when dumping fert in such a small cup. Seedlings dont like to be dosed with 20-20-20 2.5 weeks after sprouting. and all the zyme so early? You plants are probably suffering from overdose. Hard to say with out pics.

and as ag420 said what are the conditions like? temp? rh? type of light? GH ime has a really low ph also. I always adjust my nutes and water to 6.5


New Member
How do I post a picture as I am new to these forums can I post off my iphone?

Also I PH my water every watering I have two PH meters that both read the same so I don't think it could be PH considering I keep it between 6.0-6.5 and the temps rang from 75-81 with a low of 74 and maybe it was a little bit of over dose? Should I maybe flush a take It from there


New Member
When should I be feeding Grozyme? It says on bottle you can feed from seedling ? And I'm currently using a 1000w Metal Halide bulb under air cooled hood with summ able ballast at 50% output

sativa indica pits

Active Member
if there really wacked out a flush wouldt hurt. Do you keep a good wet/dry cycle in between waterings? I always make sure the soil is not soggy for my seedlings. ph and temps sound good, whats the rh?

A 1/2 dose of gro zyme wont hurt by it self, but once you add everything all up, its too much for the fresh delicate roots to handle. I like to let the root system get established before I add a bunch of stuff all at once.

I think you need the riu app to post pics from an i-phone. how far away is the light? Ive found ime seedlings always do better under the t5 than under mh of any strength. I started a whole batch under the t5 and another under the mh. The seedlings under the t5 were much more robust, vigorous, and bigger. The mh seemed to keep the leaves small, the plants small and were about 2-3 weeks behind the t5 plants.

just my experience..


New Member
My RH is around 40 I know it should be higher but I have no humidifier at the moment and maybe I should invest in a t5 and give it a try and I'm gunna flush then see how that works but I'll try to upload a picture aswell

sativa indica pits

Active Member
i would have to say nute burn on those. They look like they were doing good sometime in the near past. but now its just become overwhelming for the roots. Yea i would be flushing the shit outa those if they were mine!! 6.5 But yea I think you will have much better results with the t5. I run under the t5 for 4 maybe 5 weeks then under the big boy they go.( depending on size). by then the roots are established, they have many sets of bigger leaves and they are ready for intense light that the mh puts off.

Besides, you always need more equipment right, lol t5's work awesome for clones too, grab one and your plants will thank you!! good luck

sativa indica pits

Active Member
you dont need a humidfier to raise the rh, spray the room a few times a day with a mist, I spray the walls top of the light...(t5) and the ceiling. I have my room built so i can do this without causing damage to walls and carpet so be careful. if your room is not waterproof, you could hang a sheet of plastic or mylar and spray that a couple times now and then. I like to spray right before the lights turn off, the water sits there most of the night cycle and the rh will be right around 65% when the light comes back on.


New Member
Yeahh true that so the t5 is just a fluorescent light ? Would I be able to get it at a local hydro store ? And yeahh defiantly going to do a flush thanks a lot for the help and input I really appreciate it !!


New Member
That's a really good idea ! I'm using a 4x8 grow tent so I would probably be able to spray the walls and air thanks for the idea I shall try it out !

sativa indica pits

Active Member
t5 ho. (high output) almost all grow shops have em. I got the biggest one they had, t5ho 4ft 8 bulb. They make 2ft ones and all sizes. Make sure you get the right color temp bulbs... Mine are the 6500 k I wouldnt go below 5600 k if your using them for veg.

sativa indica pits

Active Member
I noticed your user name, what strain are you growing? anything from bcbud? how is there seed bank for canada residents? if thats where you are from. I ordered from them 11 or 12 purp seeds and not even one of them sprouted, totaly ripped me off almost 100 bucks. they said they were going to replace them and send me some fresh seeds ... lol but that was 2 months ago, dont think there coming any time soon


New Member
I'm currently using seeds from Jordan of the Islands and the strain is Gods Green Crack I have seeds from BC Bud Depot which is BC Kush haven't started them yet but I am pretty stoked to see what happens ... Did you purchase from BC bud Depot ? Can't believe they didnt sprout almost makes me doubt the seeds I just got ... I'm thinking about ordering from Attitude Seed bank was wondering if you have had or heard of any previous history with that seed bank? And the seed banks are alright not too much to choose from , tcomparied too what I was expecting as of for the Femenized group


New Member
Is that profile pictures one of your plants ? If so what the hell are you feeding those girls cause that's crazyy ! But personally what would you advise for the best flowering nutes?

sativa indica pits

Active Member
attitude is fukn awesome!!! I have ordered over 175 seeds from them in the last 4 yrs. Out of all the seeds i got from all the different seed banks from them only like 2-3 didnt sprout. (im not counting the bull shit bird seed bcbud purps, which I also got from attitude.) Ive got every order, no problems every time!! highly reccomend. I like to get the shipping guarantee and you get a cool t-shirt!