Please help my SKETCHY situation


Active Member
High everyone,

I was very active here over the summer and then I began putting my knowledge to work and I have not been posting much b/c I felt tha I learned all I could through the forums but hadn't acquired enough experience (and a computer at a better location) to offer my help. Plus I was a little wary of posting pics or anything from my location.

I am on my 3rd grow, the first went reasonably well and the second grow I had fantastic results minus a few spider mites that were brought in from a situation beyond my control. My babies were only about 3 weeks old and very strong there roots were shooting out of their smaller containers as of yesterday so today I went to the hydro shop and...

I parked back first so my trunk was almost right in front of the door, and nobody was parked across from me, at least not anybody significant. I went inside the store and I got a couple bags of FFOF and some other things. I had a large brown bag and I walked out to my car with the bag and I opened the trunk in the freezing windy snowy weather and I left the trunk open while I ran into the store to get the FFOF and then I put in into my trunk and closed the trunk. When I looked up I saw a state cop parked across from me, his car was not facing me. I immeciatly got into the car calmly and made a call to destroy the evidence and the location and after driving around for an hour in the country and confirming the evidence was destroyed I returned and then I immediatly left with all the garbage and root balls and such and I disposed of them at a location away from mine. I have no more evidence at the place except equipment and 10 mason jars of results.

when and can I start again?

Did I do the wrong thing?

What should I expect?

I probably should've taken a closer look around but I tyry to remain calm and casual so peering around the parking lot isnt my thing. I checked everything before I got out and I make my stay inside ths store as brief as possible.

Thanks to anybody who ready this and responds with something useful....:weed:


Active Member
you saw a cop and freaked out ,WHAT THE wholy hell is wrong with you?

and if you think you did something wrong the main thing is you went to the hydro store in your own car ,
you should have closed the trunk and went back in the store or to another store that was close

buying things is not illegal

not sure where your from but I would have takin my chances and went and got a bite to eat and left the car


Well-Known Member
you can't be faulted with being casual on security, at least after the fact
parking next to a hydro shop, that's probably not a great idea, i know it's winter and all
the worst case is they took down your info, and might do a bit more looking
such as checking out your electric usage, maybe stopping by for a talk
warrant? that's doesn't sound too likely, but you could be on the radar now


Active Member
Wow Im confused WTF happened? bongsmilie You saw a cop car after loading shit up in the trunk from the hydro store? Sounds like your trippin maybe your should take it easy for a bit or order from the net. peyce


Well-Known Member
yea forreal, there are SOME people that grow other plants than cannabis ina hydro setup. how would the cop know your not one of them, and how do you know that cop doesnt just sit in that parking lot tryn to scare growers like you..or or simply drink coffee or fill out paper work. cops have fav spots they chill at. idk IMO i would have left the car and jus walked to a another store for a while or something

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
High everyone,

I was very active here over the summer and then I began putting my knowledge to work and I have not been posting much b/c I felt tha I learned all I could through the forums but hadn't acquired enough experience (and a computer at a better location) to offer my help. Plus I was a little wary of posting pics or anything from my location.

I am on my 3rd grow, the first went reasonably well and the second grow I had fantastic results minus a few spider mites that were brought in from a situation beyond my control. My babies were only about 3 weeks old and very strong there roots were shooting out of their smaller containers as of yesterday so today I went to the hydro shop and...

I parked back first so my trunk was almost right in front of the door, and nobody was parked across from me, at least not anybody significant. I went inside the store and I got a couple bags of FFOF and some other things. I had a large brown bag and I walked out to my car with the bag and I opened the trunk in the freezing windy snowy weather and I left the trunk open while I ran into the store to get the FFOF and then I put in into my trunk and closed the trunk. When I looked up I saw a state cop parked across from me, his car was not facing me. I immeciatly got into the car calmly and made a call to destroy the evidence and the location and after driving around for an hour in the country and confirming the evidence was destroyed I returned and then I immediatly left with all the garbage and root balls and such and I disposed of them at a location away from mine. I have no more evidence at the place except equipment and 10 mason jars of results.

when and can I start again?

Did I do the wrong thing?

What should I expect?

I probably should've taken a closer look around but I tyry to remain calm and casual so peering around the parking lot isnt my thing. I checked everything before I got out and I make my stay inside ths store as brief as possible.

Thanks to anybody who ready this and responds with something useful....:weed:

Sounds like you should have mail ordered.:shock:


Active Member
i agree with northeastern Use the net ....... also like swisher said cops do have those spots where the paper work has to get done.
Best bet is the net that way ur ok


Well-Known Member
dude, I hate to pour salt on the wound or anything. But you pulled the plug on your entire set-up b/c a cop was parked near your car in when leaving the hyrdo shop??

I live in an awful state, as far as backwards-ass idiot fuzz, that essentially disregard any civil liberties. (southeast). But even here, we do have some rights homey.

I mean, if u felt some prior tension (had any other inclination that you were bein watched, or suspected an acquantaince rolled on you), I could maybe understand such extreme measures. However, if your only suspision that these farks wanted u, b/c of a seridipidous encounter w/ a cop leavin the hydro shop, u definitely overacted.

Sure, I am a newb waitin to get my cherry broken. But been dodgin johhny law for a good while.

Just my 2 cents. Do you have any other reason to think that you are bein watched??