Please help!! New clones are in sad shape :( HAVE PICS


I need some help bad guys. I have 4 clones that I have had for less than a week. I have them under a 400 watt hps light about 24 inches away on a 20/4 hour light schedule. Temp is a perfect 80 and humidity is fine. I also have a oscilating fan running. One of them is pretty much dead as you can see and the others are not growing very much and have yellow on the leaves. One of them has not even grown, although the leaves has got a little bigger. I'm not sure what is going on, PLEASE HELP!!!



Well-Known Member
do you keep a bag or some sort of dome over them? you need to have one of the 2 over them for the first 2 weeks and i spray the inside of the dome or bag to keep it relly humid


Well-Known Member
and some of the cloans look like you have WAY to meny leaves you need to cut it down to a grow tip and a couple fans


I have a humidifier in there and its keeping it pretty humid about 70, but I have nothing over them. I am new to this, which leaves should I trim down?


Well-Known Member
whell i am no master eather but i have had no problems cloaning... With soil you are saposed to keep a bag or dome over the top just try it for a couple hours and see what happens i bet it will help but besides that you should cut off any bad or brown leaves leave the grow tip and that is the tip it grows out of and 1 or 2 biffer leaves nearist to the tip and dont let any of the leaves touch the dirt and die i had one mold because of that. So basicly cut the lowist leaves leave atleast one nearist the tip. your makeing it pass nutes over to much and that could possably cause a problem


Well-Known Member
but your plants look like when i took the dome off the top of them because you may have a humidifier on but when it has no roots it cant feed itself as easy and its said in any cloaning thing i have seen or watched that you need to keep some sort of plastic over it and open it to breath atleast one time a day and i would say i get about 90% to root. I think you should just try putting a bag over one or even a couple and leave the rest out and compare them in like 2 hrs but dont forget to mist the bag and the cloan before you cover it... just a light mist


Thanks Allred i will try that out and see what happens. Any idea what the yellowing may be from? The guy I got them from said to give them nute so I did for the first 2 days then they started to turn yellowing. figured it was nute burn, but not sure


Well-Known Member
Thanks Allred i will try that out and see what happens. Any idea what the yellowing may be from? The guy I got them from said to give them nute so I did for the first 2 days then they started to turn yellowing. figured it was nute burn, but not sure
I was about to say that you gave them nutes. Just chuck'em, you killed'em. Don't give nutrients to brand new clones. Those are burned to shit.


DAMN!! I figured that. I thought the dude was crazy when he told me to give them nutes. He said he was giving them nutes so I should. Are they ALL completely dead or is there anything I can do to save them. This is some GREAT chronic :(


Well-Known Member
yah nute burn for sure but it looks like for sure one is dead but the others might be able to save just flush them with regular water


Well-Known Member
Flushing is your only option and worth a try. Feed with plain water. Try to put through about 3x as much water as there is soil. So if they can hold 1/2 gallon of soil, use 1 1/2 gallons of water. Overwatering is going to suck too for new clones and they will probably take a bit to dry out.

What kind of soil did you use?


Like I said this is some CHRONIC :) best around here. Last time I will buy from him though. Not sure what kind of soil he used. he has a huge op so I'm sure it's fairly decent. Should I re plant them and see if that helps?


Well-Known Member
no dont replant i think your going to just have to go with the flow and just see what happens. have you wraped them in a bag yet? your user name reminded me of someone i knew as a kid named justin stone i just thaught it was funny


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't wrap them in a bag. They should've been rooted already if they were sold to you as clones for $25.00. No need to worry about that anymore. Just flush'em and try to get those nutrients out of the bottom.

Definitely don't transplant them at this point, they've been through enough. The only other thing I might do is add a little superthrive to the water when you flush them. Might help them with the shock a little bit.

His clones were perfeclty fine, it was the advice to give them nutrients that was foul. They will need some nutrients, but certainly not right away and even then a very, very small amount.