
Active Member
hi guys so my setup is a grow lab 3'11x3'11 x 6'7 i have 8 3gal pots in there with a 600w hps. they are flowering right now and their humidity while lights are on is 30-40% and about 83 degrees. when the lights are off it is up to 65% humidity and 67 degrees. i have a 6'' fan exhausting air out and a small wall mart fan pushing air in. please help its the first week of flowering also thanks much:weed:


Well-Known Member
is the high humidity during night time bad for them
Well if they were in veg they would handle the high Hum better....anything over 70% is not good for flowering ....also blaazed said he tends not to go over 70 degrees......i dont now why he put that 70 degreess is not ideal temps for your grow....ideal would be 73-78 degress not under 70 under 70 would mean 60's that plant dosent want to be in 60's when light is on thats ok when light is off but not when light is on.....

40% is about as low as you wanna go when flowering and 65 is about has high as you want to go.....try to keep it in that zone......83degress temp is a lil on the high side for a 600w grow wth no C02 supplement...My temps are 80 degress in a 4x4x7 tent with a 1000w lamp
sounds like you are doing just fine. just watch the temp when the lights are, 86 is pushing it. try to get it more around 78-81. but other than that, sounds good. you should put up some pics yo =D


Active Member
veg 76* RH 50-60% add c02 temp up to 82*

flower 76* RH 35-49% add c02 temp up to 82*

night nuthing below 61* try to stay above 64

plant stops grow below 60* and above 90* with 76* being preferd with c02 added mid 80s are preferred i like 80-85

plain simple easy proven

hitt the star


Active Member
these were taken on the 30th of november. first day in flowering, the 4 on the left are blue dot and the 4 on the right are bubba kush. so far all is good. i will post pics from today a lil later on tonight.