Please Help New Guy

Also with the roots being watered and the grow bag wet should I bring I'm during the cool evenings and put in the dark. It's getting about 50 at night. Or just let it ride. And see what it does. Thanks for all the help
yea if you can bring in do it.
That looks like a big PH swing to me, also looks like root damage. Will be a hard recovery in flower if any.
yes a tbls to 3 gallons of water mix let sit will be 4 pH.I tried it once.Almost yellowed my plants overnight.
I think I put way to much molasses in the water? Not sure how to correct it now. I did a flush . I flushed it with a couple gallons of water , should have left it alone.
Also with the roots being watered and the grow bag wet should I bring I'm during the cool evenings and put in the dark. It's getting about 50 at night. Or just let it ride. And see what it does. Thanks for all the help
Hey if you’ve got the back, go ahead. No plants going inside though, right. Never bring outside plants inside if you have pot plants going inside the bugs will jump over.