please help newbie

J smoke

Help my plants our in there 2 week of flowering and leaves are turning yellow

by J smoke on 11-26-2011 at 06:17 AM

Hi everyone,

I am in my second week of flowering and my fan leaves have started to turn yellow from the outside in they our also brown at the tip. The leaves have actually started dropping off the plant I have been giving the bio bizz nutrients following there feeding chart I don't know what is wrong with them. I have uploaded some pictures if someone could help me I would really appreciate​
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Well-Known Member
lack of light penetration to the lower fan leaves + either not enough nutrients, or possible slight lockout...the rest of the plant looks relatively healthy.


Active Member
I'm still not great with nutes however I believe this is 1 of 2 things. Nitrogen deficiency (less likely since use been feeding it.). More likely too much nutes. Without a way to measure the nuts you are giving I would not give any more than half what the bottle says on any nutes. And even then only every other water. My ultimate guess is too much nutes just based on what you are saying but doesn't look too bad right now. I noticed you have a yellow leaf by itself. I would advise against pulling those off unless they are dead.

I would wait for soil to get almost dry. Poke a finger in it, if it's dry past 2 inch or so I'd call that dry. Then water thoroughly and then wait until " dry" again. Depending on soil composition 2-3 days between. If they plant starts perking up again, go .5 strength nutes every other water.

buddy bud

Well-Known Member
dont panic just like any plant some leaves just die stick to ur scedule they do like fine as massah said dont go trying to play doc she will be fine!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
You need to know the ph and ppms of what your feeding or watering,
Da drooping could be a few things like over watering, root bound, under
feeding of nutes or you took the pic's with the lights out :lol:


Well-Known Member
You need to know the ph and ppms of what your feeding or watering,
Da drooping could be a few things like over watering, root bound, under
feeding of nutes or you took the pic's with the lights out :lol:
I can't even remotely see how large that pot is through the foliage, so its probably too small and its probably rootbound a bit...could easily explain the reason for lack of nutrients being taken into the plant(suffocated roots don't absorb water/nutrients very well) ;)


New Member
I wouldn't flush anything except a toilet. cal mag is always good when you flower. did you transplant before flowering? could be root bound like massah said.


Active Member
in my experience, albeit limited to the last year - my lower fan leaves begin to yellow a few weeks into flowering - don't worry too much about it. Like the gentlemen before me stated pay attention to your PH (Home Depot sells a meter for $15 that measures soil moisture, PH and Light - and seems to do an OK job).

CalMg is cheap and those sluts love it!

J smoke

thanks guys for all the help think its a lock out of nitrogen going to give it a wee flush. going to get pics up later on cos i think its got worse so yas can get a look at it it cheers again