PLEASE HELP! odd colored seedlings..?


Well-Known Member
Ok so its been 3 or 4 days and my girls are starting to sprout, but the underside of the bigger one(right) has a purple/brownish tint.. and the smaller one is similar in color, but also hasn't really sprouted yet... This worries me...Should it or am I just paranoid? At times i feel like it could go either way lol....

Pics attached, sorry for not the best quality-from my iphone.



Well-Known Member
Well compared to the temps that It was at (high 80s -mid 90's) its a huge improvement.. lol. umm forgive my ignorance but humidity dome? like just a clear cover?


Well-Known Member
thanks, you think these will be ok? does it have to lay flush all the way around? or is it ok if it sticks up a little on the back?



Well-Known Member
sometimes the underside of the leafs and stems are purple when they first appear from the seed casing,its nothing to worry the first picture it looks like part of the seed membrane is still stuck to the seedling which is keeping the leafs closed.if it doesnt manage to break free from it soon then very gently remove it yourself.


Well-Known Member
Thanks yea, it broke free... well for the most part anyway. now just the edge of the leaf is a little yellow/brown. but overall it looks healthy. +rep for the help.