PLEASE HELP! Plant is wilting


Active Member
Hey guys, I would be very grateful if you could help.

My plant is growing on the balcony in a gallon sized pot. i live in spain and the temperature is around 24 derees at the mo but overcast.

3 days ago my plant just started rapidly wilting and I have no idea why.

It has started budding around 2 weeks ago and has usally been watered around every 3 days but recently i have watered everyday and also added some cannabis liquid that aids budding with the water.

Although the leaves are still green and them stem green they are drooping big style.

Have i over watered? If so, by not watering, will it revive my plant?
Have i used to much flowering liquid in the water?
Has is all of a sudden become too cold for the plant?
Do i need a bigger pot?
More soil or different soil?

Please help. Any advice is more than welcome as i really dont want my plant to die as its started budding. :cry:



Active Member
that plant looks Very sick! but still able to recover if you find and fix the problem within the next day or so.. if you been watering it constantly and it hasnt dried out in the last few days i'd think that you have really bad root rot- from overwatering maybe? or it turned so root bound that they're rotting away. also make sure when using buckets they have large drain holes to expel the excess water. im pretty novice but if i were you i'd at least transplant it instantly to a bigger pot and get a look at your roots to see your problem first hand. the roots shouldnt be clumped at the bottom and they should be nice and white.. take note mj plants should have AT LEAST 1 gallon of soil for every foot of growth to have a good healthy root system

post back what you find or what happens to the plant.. GOOD LUCK!!