PLEASE HELP!. Plants dying, fan leaves shoveling up and falling off.


Active Member
basically I'm 5 1/2 weeks into a strain that should finish flowering at 8-9 weeks ALL of my fan leaves are dying. I am using advance nutrients PH perfect system. in half perilite and half soil mix. the ppm of the nutrients going into the soil are 1100ppm I thought maybe it was a nute lockout but my run off it only 1200ppm so its not like its completely out of whack. my plants are about 8-10 inches away from my 400W HPS bulb running on standard 12-12 in 3 gallon smart pots. my humidity is usually around 50-60% sometimes it does spike to 70%. ANY HELP WOULD BE SO VERY MUCH APPRECIATED



Well-Known Member
I believe PH Perfect is set to 5.8 which is what hydro should be, I believe soil runoff ph should be around 6.5 -7.0.
Im not 100% on this though


Well-Known Member
frist off move the bulb higher atleast foot and half 2 foot it is according to alot of the light charts around that is little to much that close to the plants

second off are u given them calmg+

as for the ppm stuff that is for hydro .....u are on partly soil .........this is MLs to a gallon stuff (soil has some of the goodies already in it ) u just need to maximumize the ground and aborbtion rate for them ............the guy is right on the PH prefect for soil is 6.5 that is what u should be aimming for
thrid thing to do flush the plants out reset the ph to 6.5 in them and get yourself some product line complete kit for soil ....... genreal orgainc's go box is great


Active Member
Thanks for the responses guys, and no I have not been giving them any calmag, and I am using RO water. If you look at the advanced nutrients feeding chart or kit I guess, I am doing the hobbiest kit, if that matters. And I have an issue with flushing my plants, they are in that tent and I'm doing a scrog so I can exactly move them into let's say my sink and flush them. Any bright ideas? Or is there any other way around this.

So it sounds like a ph issue then? Bottom line?


Well-Known Member
Not a ph issue. Your AN nutes are probably buffered to pretty damn near perfect TM. Your probly burning them a bit as well. Back off on those nutes if you havent flushed them. There is more than likely enough residual fertz to carry you through lol.
If your looking for a bright idea on how to flush, use your shop vac or borrow one and suck it out as it drains int your drip trays. Looks like ya definately need some calmag in there too. They look good regardless. Nice work.


Well-Known Member
give them calmg+ some of the leaves showed signs of that

shoot some better pics of the leaves .........if it burn will see it on all the edges of the leaves .........if it is lock out and color bleaching well that shows

as for methods of flushing with a scrog screen ...........your shit out of luck for not putting in a rack with a subfloor u can empty out..............lift up the planter and put a bigger bucket around it allowing u to put something at bottom flush the water tho collects in bucket u run a hose to a sink of 1 gallon jugs and dump them out


Active Member
I;m going to go pickup some calmag today and give that to my plants, im going to cut my nits down to 1/4 strength with my calmag at full strength. I do see little white things cawling around in my root zone the size of the tip of a pin, the only reason i can see them is becasue my smart pots are black and these things are white and moving, if they didnt move id never be able to see them, and I only see one every once and a while. also I water my plants about 2x a week if thats realivent at all. Good Idea with the shop vac I just dont have one, I will however go spend the 50 bucks if need be. but if I can avoid it... what if I just keep watering them with extremely limited nutes? here are some close ups, of the white thing on the side of my smart pot, as a picture of one of my colas just for fun



Well-Known Member
basically I'm 5 1/2 weeks into a strain that should finish flowering at 8-9 weeks ALL of my fan leaves are dying. I am using advance nutrients PH perfect system. in half perilite and half soil mix. the ppm of the nutrients going into the soil are 1100ppm I thought maybe it was a nute lockout but my run off it only 1200ppm so its not like its completely out of whack. my plants are about 8-10 inches away from my 400W HPS bulb running on standard 12-12 in 3 gallon smart pots. my humidity is usually around 50-60% sometimes it does spike to 70%. ANY HELP WOULD BE SO VERY MUCH APPRECIATED
I'd say if they tolerated your nute schedule just add cal-mag to it and finish them off, mine look like that when they are about done, it's the plant getin' fat and lazy and pulling the sugars and nutes out of the leaves to bulk the buds up...nice job man +rep for those, and welcome to RIU :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I;m going to go pickup some calmag today and give that to my plants, im going to cut my nits down to 1/4 strength with my calmag at full strength. I do see little white things cawling around in my root zone the size of the tip of a pin, the only reason i can see them is becasue my smart pots are black and these things are white and moving, if they didnt move id never be able to see them, and I only see one every once and a while. also I water my plants about 2x a week if thats realivent at all. Good Idea with the shop vac I just dont have one, I will however go spend the 50 bucks if need be. but if I can avoid it... what if I just keep watering them with extremely limited nutes? here are some close ups, of the white thing on the side of my smart pot, as a picture of one of my colas just for fun
your pic 3 i can the calmg+ need for sure for the rest of it i am not sure and do not want to mess your grow up

if they are bugs my i say use the pepper spray for death on them


Active Member
Curious what you are feeding them and how often? The hobbyist bundle is designed to use in conjunction with one of the three Ph / PPM Perfect base nutrients
Micro, Grow & Bloom
Sensi Bloom 2 part
Connoisseur 2 Part

Also I use RO water and even in soil need to add some cal/mag sometimes as the water your giving it is low on minerals, with a half and half mix will need it even more.

I also use a food that is balanced and does not cut out the N in flower. Some bloom foods high in P and low in N will not provide enough N and leaves yellow mid flower. I try to keep them green....


Active Member
I am using conniossure 2 part as my base, I got something to kill any aphids that I may have, I water them 2x a week with 4L of water. However I went to the hydro shop today and the guy there said with my three gallon pots this late in flower that I could be giving each plant half a gallon to make sure that all the old nutes are getting flushed out the bottom. Also I've gone there 2 tikes now for cal mag and the 2 owners say that that makes no sense with the nutes and soil combination that I am using and that there is no way in hell that I should need any calmag which confuses me.....


Active Member
And the conniossure 2 part has a higher nitrogen content than the senisi grow 2 part I was using in vegatitative growth.


Well-Known Member
I believe PH Perfect is set to 5.8 which is what hydro should be, I believe soil runoff ph should be around 6.5 -7.0.
Im not 100% on this though
5.5 - 5.8 on ph perfect

to the OP
there finishing up the fans do that its perfectly normal
if your spot on with nutes temps, and other conditions
then they may not take aslong as breeder times called for


Well-Known Member
so how long do you think I'm away from harvest? weeks wise? Thanks for all the info guys
I'd say without better pics , a week or two...if you don't have a jewelers loupe to see your milky trichs, then wait till the white hairs (stigmas) are mostly reddish brown, then pluck and trim away :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I believe PH Perfect is set to 5.8 which is what hydro should be, I believe soil runoff ph should be around 6.5 -7.0.
Im not 100% on this though
I usually have 7.0 running in and 6.6 coming out in runoff :mrgreen:
5.5 - 5.8 on ph perfect

to the OP
there finishing up the fans do that its perfectly normal
if your spot on with nutes temps, and other conditions
then they may not take aslong as breeder times called for
And here to negate all confusion....Nutrient-Lockout-Chart-Cannabis-2.jpg....this will be your actual PH for either soil or hydro :eyesmoke: good luck guys...