Please Help Save My (First) Babies!

I have been having some problems with leaves shriveling up and crisping! some seemed to look like they were broken and sucked out! some are just loosing color and falling right off before they even shrivel! also you can see the ends are curling and browning and there are only a few rusty spots on a couple leaves. and I also see some hooked leaves D= I then found this small red/black thrip/lady bug, which i searched online vigorously for! I had also suspected fungus or Nutrient burn or salt build up?
I was using Organicide but switched to Bonide Eight a stronger but still organic and vegetable/house safe spray. I also had a copper funguscide which i had only used
one before flowering begun(paranoid, yea i know)100_1784.jpg100_1787.jpg100_1791.jpg100_1786.jpg100_1800.jpg100_1811.jpg100_1812.jpg100_1778.jpg100_1807.jpg
Bubbleponics in 5gal buckets
CANNA Aqua Flores 2nd week flowering ≈900ppm
temp 68-80
Ph ≈ 5.5-5.8? i don't have an exact meter & my nutrients have buffers i do believe which makes it harder to balance.
water≈ 72º (light time)
4 42watt 2700ºk (2600L)

any input is welcome!!!
Thank You!



RIU Bulldog
I know picture 6 is phosphorus def but I can't say for sure on the others.
I'll come back later when I'm not in a rush.
Hydroton, but this whole thing begun in an aerogarden . .. i also had like 7 plants(sacrificed a few males and one i had pruned as an experiment). I transplanted some of then into larger net pots but the root systems had become much to large and complicated by then and it did not go very well. so the surviving ladies are still in the aerogarden pots =0 with only a couple balls left(i managed to pic out the rest) because they are rippin like the hulk!
i really shoulda just bought a bunch of different size net pots when i drove all the way to the hydroponics store the first time!(DAMNIT)
YES I am alost using PH drops from general hydroponics kit. I also made a lite H202 and water spray because one of my failed transplants were getting some moldy roots=/ needless to say that was one i chose for discard.
There just seems to be other problems beside Phosphorus. .. bugs and element stress?

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
ph drops are not accurate enough for PHing a system like you use. I broke my PH pen and tried those PH drops for two crops and had nothing but headaches. I then got another Pen and found out I was +/- 1 on the PH which is ok for soil maybe but not a system like you are useing at all.


Weed Modifier
ph drops are not accurate enough for PHing a system like you use. I broke my PH pen and tried those PH drops for two crops and had nothing but headaches. I then got another Pen and found out I was +/- 1 on the PH which is ok for soil maybe but not a system like you are useing at all.
good point +rep

balanced ph is important for nutrient uptake, especially in hydro systems...soil is a bit more forgiving in that aspect... so what appears as a deficiency could actually be a lock-out!
Aww mann thanks for all the help guys! it seems i should get on ordering a pen!. .. might as well since i go through these drops like crazy.
the more i look at the dying leaves(1-3 shrivel a day=0 the more it looks like Phosphorus deficiency. however some leaves have burn circles which are white or reddish ..i have been going back and forth in my Cannabible for hours.
I do have a toxic salt build up buster for my veggis but it is Foxfarm. ..i suppose my other option might be adding a bud booster with phosphorus? since i am in the beginning of flowering and i really don't want to loose these now after we have been through so much together =]

Any thoughts? FoxFarm Sledge Hammer? Open Seasme(5-45-19)/ Beatie(0-50-30)? or go all the way back to the Hydo store and get a Canna NPK? Other?

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I bought the Sper Scientific PH pen on line for a really good price from thier site. Like $40 and this is one quality pen. better then most of the $80 pens I have seen. And it holds accuracy for weeks on end.