please help she's sick after transplant

that was a week ago.. pot had bad drainage and soil wasn't as porous as it should have been. the picture was taken right after flushing the soil because it was "hot". made the mistake of using mg soil then tried flushing it after a transplant into a pot too big for a seedling. that's wad her growth was stunted and she lost some leaves.. but now she bounced back and she's good. put her under a 600 watt at only 25% power with the fan on her and flushed her again, but this time I did it properly with a very small amount of ff grow and bloom and she almost instantly looked better. will post updated pictures tonight or tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Why have you flushed it again? And why are you using bloom nutes? I think you're being impatient and over doing things, be careful. Soil isn't as instant as other growing methods with nutrients and waterings. So I'm not sure that's why its looking better if it really was instantly after. If anything it'd be expected to be droopy after a watering or flush.
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Why have you flushed it again? And why are you using bloom nutes? I think you're being impatient and over doing things, be careful. Soil isn't as instant as other growing methods with nutrients and waterings. So I'm not sure that's why its looking better if it really was instantly after. If anything it'd be expected to be droopy after a watering or flush.
when I say small I mean a drop of each mixed w 3 times as much as the volume of the pot. I checked the run off ph and it was too high.. that's why I flushed it. she's gradually getting her color back tho. I'm really trying not to be impatient td. if I had my way I would switch her to a coco perlite medium but that would be 3 transplants in one week and I don't think that's in her best intestest. I won't be watering again for a couple days but I just wanted to get her levels right first. Also she was droopy for a while after watering but then perked up gained color pretty fast.


Well-Known Member
No more bloom nutes until its in flower. Flower = bloom. And easy on the grow for now. You don't need nutrients every time you water and don't use them at full strength yet. I'm still learning myself, knowing when to give nutrients and how much comes from experience and varies from soil and strain. But there are general guides out there for new growers to follow to avoid major fuck ups.

Now I don't pH my water, but from what I've read it needs doing before you water the plant and you use pH up or down to adjust accordingly. Then you do a reading of what comes out the bottom, if its not in range and to low you raise the pH a bit more on the next water before you water, if its a bit high you lower it a bit before you water. Its trial and error and needs to come out the bottom of the pot between a certain range. What was your pH at before you flushed? And what did it come out at after you flushed with the nutes? If your going to flush it should be straight water, or it's not really a flush as your still adding nutrients.

And never mind the watering in a few days, it takes as long as it takes to dry out. Give it a chance.
No more bloom nutes until its in flower. Flower = bloom. And easy on the grow for now. You don't need nutrients every time you water and don't use them at full strength yet. I'm still learning myself, knowing when to give nutrients and how much comes from experience and varies from soil and strain. But there are general guides out there for new growers to follow to avoid major fuck ups.

Now I don't pH my water, but from what I've read it needs doing before you water the plant and you use pH up or down to adjust accordingly. Then you do a reading of what comes out the bottom, if its not in range and to low you raise the pH a bit more on the next water before you water, if its a bit high you lower it a bit before you water. Its trial and error and needs to come out the bottom of the pot between a certain range. What was your pH at before you flushed? And what did it come out at after you flushed with the nutes? If your going to flush it should be straight water, or it's not really a flush as your still adding nutrients.

And never mind the watering in a few days, it takes as long as it takes to dry out. Give it a chance.
when I say water in a few days please don't misunderstand. I actually mean that by 2 days the top is usually dry and I water it. I let the plant tell me when to water not the time. I was told when flushing to use double or triple the volume w 50% nutes. I actually gave her a 5th of that so it wouldn't be overbearing. as far as the ph now.. the runoff was in the mid 7s so I brought it down to 6.3 w ph down and I'm sure the flush played it's part too. she's growing again..started slow and it's picking up gradually. also bought some natural bio ferts but haven't begun using them yet. bat guano,kelp, seabird etc. any advice on when to start using?
and FYI I left her alone for a week w no water and then started watering every time she got dry on top. every 2 to 3 days. obviously I'm doing something right if she's bouncing back. but thanks for the constructive critisism


Well-Known Member
when I say water in a few days please don't misunderstand. I actually mean that by 2 days the top is usually dry and I water it. I let the plant tell me when to water not the time. I was told when flushing to use double or triple the volume w 50% nutes. I actually gave her a 5th of that so it wouldn't be overbearing. as far as the ph now.. the runoff was in the mid 7s so I brought it down to 6.3 w ph down and I'm sure the flush played it's part too. she's growing again..started slow and it's picking up gradually. also bought some natural bio ferts but haven't begun using them yet. bat guano,kelp, seabird etc. any advice on when to start using?
Well its up to you man, I'm just going off what every guide says which is its better to do less than do to much. Can't comment on all the other things you've bought to use but what I can can suggest is to keep it simple until you can read the plant. In the past 24 hours you've watered, flushed with nutes and adjusted the pH. If it runs into problems it could be harder to see what caused it as you've done a few things. Same with adding all the bio ferts and bat guano etc, the plant already has problems and using more things just means there's more to go wrong which makes problems harder to solve especially being a new grower. Stick to basics imo.


Well-Known Member
and FYI I left her alone for a week w no water and then started watering every time she got dry on top. every 2 to 3 days. obviously I'm doing something right if she's bouncing back. but thanks for the constructive critisism
Its up and down like a yoyo. This thread is only 4,5 days old and you made it after your first flush when you transplanted so where are you getting a week from? I think your getting days mixed up. Buy a callender and log what you do everyday on that.

I think your trying to much and over doing things. But its your grow.... Good luck.
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when I say water in a few days please don't misunderstand. I actually mean that by 2 days the top is usually dry and I water it. I let the plant tell me when to water not the time. I was told when flushing to use double or triple the volume w 50% nutes. I actually gave her a 5th of that so it wouldn't be overbearing. as far as the ph now.. the runoff was in the mid 7s so I brought it down to 6.3 w ph down and I'm sure the flush played it's part too. she's growing again..started slow and it's picking up gradually. also bought some natural bio ferts but haven't begun using them yet. bat guano,kelp, seabird etc. any advice on when to start using?
also... ff big bloom is used from seedling to week 12. you're thinking about tiger bloom
Its up and down like a yoyo. This thread is only 4,5 days old and you made it after your first flush when you transplanted so where are you getting a week from? I think your getting days mixed up. Buy a callender and log what you do everyday on that.

I think your trying to much and over doing things. But its your grow.... Good luck.
I do log everything it's actually 6 days but whatever you're right. Im leaving her alone now that everything is adjusted.
Its up and down like a yoyo. This thread is only 4,5 days old and you made it after your first flush when you transplanted so where are you getting a week from? I think your getting days mixed up. Buy a callender and log what you do everyday on that.

I think your trying to much and over doing things. But its your grow.... Good luck.
and I directed this comment at thumper not you td ( when i wrote that i must be doing somethibg right when he said i was killing it)but I guess it doesn't matter. ok KIS and leave her alone got it
and I directed this comment at thumper not you td ( when i wrote that i must be doing somethibg right when he said i was killing it)but I guess it doesn't matter. ok KIS and leave her alone got it
you ever use any online seed banks??? I heard good things about attitude.. should I try a small purchase and give them a try??


Well-Known Member
Head over to the seedbank section and look for reviews from wherever you're from. The two I've used in the UK are great, gorilla seeds and
Almost fully recovered.. any suggestions on the medium for my seeds that just sprouted??? have pro mix, vermeculite coco blocks and mg perlite.. as well as some generic organic soil with a 10-6-6 npk ratio..

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Almost forgot - DynaGrow's Protekt works like gol damn magic in veg. I don't normally recommend nutes, but I have to give some props to DG for their Protekt. I'm sure some will disagree, but in all my years of growing the only thing I have added to my repertoire is DG's Protekt for the Si. Aside from that, I use all the basic micros/macros.

Lastly, if you don't already have one - get a PPM meter. Very helpful piece of equipment.

EDIT: One caveat about using Si. Do some research with regard to mixing Si and Ca. They bind to each other and create this gel like substance. Its VERY important to add the Si to your water first, then take a small amount of fresh water and add the Ca to it. Then add the Ca water to the Si water. I believe this keeps things diluted enough so they don't bind together upon contact.
Great info! I am also a big fan of protekt but had no idea it binds with calcium.