please help should i trim my plants they are getting very bushy


Active Member
i am new to this growing thing and loving every moment of it but now my plants seem to be getting out of controlle and all the photos i see on this site have plants that have obv been trimed, so when do i start the trimming have they done this just before they are ready ??????????????????????????????? i am very confused and this is not as easy as i thought it would be please help me :joint:



Well-Known Member
hi no1,,can you posts sum pics?? and how big is yor grow room, whot light have you got?? how meny plants??


Well-Known Member
Im no expert and new too all this myself, but unless space is a issue i would not touch them..If i have learned anything so far, it would be: "The more i mess with my plants the worst off i am"...


Well-Known Member
I would venture to say that the statement "all of the photos you see on this site have obisously been trimed" is not correct. I think you will find very few people that trim their plants, excluding a few leaves that turn yellow at the bottom of the plant and the occasional topping.

Prehaps if you could define "out of control" or show us some pictures someone with more experience could reply.

Im no expert and new too all this myself, but unless space is a issue i would not touch them..If i have learned anything so far, it would be: "The more i mess with my plants the worst off i am"...
So true, dont you just love messing with them though...


Active Member
sorry everyone loosing my rag with this2 hrs waisted bit of a tchno twat so not going to bother now i am going to build a big fat j and a cup of tea if i work it out at a later date i will do it then


Active Member
sorry bit of a techno twat still cant do 2 hrs waisted now so leaving it and going to build a big one and a cup of tea i will do it when i work it out or get my brother to do it for me thanks for the help anyway i will just leave them alone and let them grow


Well-Known Member
depends on what u mean by trim-

iif U mean supercropping, then yes
or topping, then yes
or pruning branches/leaves that wont get much light, then maybe..thats ur call
or pruning bottom branches to help air circulation, then yes

if U are trimming back bcuz they're getting too bushy, then definitely not...trimming is never the answer unless u are 10-20 days away form harvest., not only can that cause enormous amounts of stress to the plant, but if U have nutrients in the soil the roots may end up sucking out too much food than the foliage above need, and whatever u left on the plant may get me I know from experience (Grow Journal #2 - post #123 "Today I cut off more than 50% of my leaves!")

U can see off to the right of my hand the plant in the bucket and whats left on it.

the next day every single one of my budsites was burned!~

i had to cut back so many leaves on my plants.I was devastated.

Lesson:always tuck or train before U trim. Thats one of the few things that u can do to the plant that cant be undone.