Please Help, Sick Seedlings

Ok, Ive grown for over 5 years now and never came across this problem. I first had a soil mix that i always used and saw this problem so i switched to lamberts pro mix which has peatmoss, vermiculite and the right amount of dolimite lime. The P.H. is reading 7.0 for the soil and the water i water them with says 6.0-6.5. I have two 600 watt digital hps's and since its summer now the temps have gone up in my grow room. During the winter they stay a even 75 but now it goes anywhere from 78-83. I havent ferilized but i did use Advanced nutrients revive since they were looking shitty and i used their B-52, priranah, trantula, and voodoo juice. Do you think its the heat? or maybe the soil? i have no idea ive re transpolanted and flushed. im losing sleep over this ive never seen this or had this problem i dunno.

problem 1.jpgproblem 2.jpgproblem 3.jpgproblem 4.jpg



Well-Known Member
i think u need the proper nutes. I am not sure what their B-52, priranah, trantula, and voodoo juice contains. no this is not any kind of heat issue. neither soil. looks to me like u have a combination of a K & Mg deficiency. r u using npk nutes yet? how about some sort of calmag supplement?
i use to use all humboldt but i really think my plants could have did better so i switched to advanced nutrients. i did use advances cal/mg grow also. i forgot to put that in the list of things. do you think i gave them to much? the revive has nitrogen in it, its a 1-0-0 but has all the micro nutrients like iron, zinc and nickle all that good stuff. im totally clueless i never used forums in all my years but this season i had to, ive checked every site that has pics of problems and dont see mine on any of them.


Well-Known Member
how old r the plants, especially the bigger one? these r not signs of nute burn, no. revive, u say is 1-0-0, so it has very little Nitrogen & no Phosporous or Potassium. ur plants needs all three NPK and do a regular feeding of ur calmag along with. most NPK ferts also have the micros in them just check & make sure they do. remedy what ur feeding them & i'm sure u will see improvement.
the bigger one is about 2 weeks and the smaller ones are only a week. I always read and was told not to use any nutrients until like the 3rd set of leaves thats why i was only using the micro and root stuff.hmm, ill try to feed them a very low dose and see. I posted this on another site and a guy said to check the ph of the water im watering my plants with again. He said it looked like a problem from bad ph water so i dunno. When i saw this problem i transplanted them into new soil and used water from a spring in our town that ive always used but we have had severe down pours and maybe the rainwater had really high ph becuz my ph pen was broke when i transplanted them couldnt test them. hmm,ive racked my brain thinking of everything I


Well-Known Member
r there nutes in the new soil? not able to ph the soil either at this time?

as a rule of thumb the plants dont need any added ferts (if there is some in the initial soil) until after week 3, but that is just a guide. ur 2 week old plant is thriving in terms of size imo, & I think that is why u have some deficiences there. maybe me answering again will "bump" this for more comments to help you. I dont think water of any sort caused this.

right u can add 1/8 to no more then 1/4 strength of some NPK & calmag nutes to see their reaction, which should show in 3-5 days. keep this we can help u work it out!
its a soiless mix of pro mix with just peatmoss, vermiculite ,perlite and dolimite lime. When i tested the soil my digital soil reader stayed at 7.0 and didnt move which i wondered about becuz the default is 7.0. but maybe the lime in it is making it read exactly 7. So to answer ur question, no theres no nutes in the soil. So i guess tomorow ill add a little and see if they change. I wish more people would answer this ,ive never seen nutrient definciansies at 1 week. I jst feel its gotta be something but i cant catch I hope more people comment with advice. Ill try what you said and let you know, thanx
is 78-83 degrees to hott? because i cant get the temps down any lower since its summer. The leaves arnt curling yet and i heard thats a sign.