please help! They got too tall!!!


Active Member
hey guys, I am just starting 3rd week of flowering in an aeroflo60....I veged for 2 weeks...I am running 2, 1000 watts with air cooled hoods....They have reached max height and are starting to burn on the lights because I cant go any higher!!! Theyre also starting to fall over....What can I do?? I heard of tying them over but they feel like they will snap if I bend them too far...Please some ideas I dont know what to do!!!! Oh and by the way it is white widow:weed:


Active Member
Ok that looks pretty cool but you're supposed to do that during veg right? I'm 3rd week into flower now....So I should take the tops and bend them????


Well-Known Member
u could move the lights, or u could take the tops and bend them as much as u can , and then tie it off. other than that....idk


Active Member
I am at a loss right now.....what do I tie them to? It's like a damn tropical forest in there, it's out of control!!!! lol


Active Member
just take some prunning scissors, and cut the plant down to 1/3 the size you want its max height to be. Because u gotta think. your plant is fixing to triple in size once u bloom it. So just chop half of it down and take clones off of the top half u cut down, plant them and there ya go, youll have a nice garden going.


Active Member
thats exactly what I just did to start this garden lol....I started with 13..then cloned them all, started over again with 60....Vegged for 2 weeks, and I even topped them ones to take clones off....Now 3 weeks into flower and it's out of hand...I dont wanna cut tops off because thats the best part! Maybe I need to cut the frickin ceiling out lol...theres no way I'm gonna start over again....I had white widow, blueberry and durban poison in there....the white widow ended up completely dominating everything.......I am gonna try to tie them off but I really dont know what to tie them to!


Well-Known Member
Ok that looks pretty cool but you're supposed to do that during veg right? I'm 3rd week into flower now....So I should take the tops and bend them????
Bend'em. You don't have a lot of options. They'll be fine, just bend them down where you can.


Well-Known Member
i tried that and like he said and i will too if you tie them down what do you tie them too also do have any pics so we know what we are working with


Active Member
I can try to take a few this weekend.......I'm still brainstorming...I guess Im gonna try bending the branch like people are saying....I also heard that if I can get the light cooler then they can grow right into/around it if they have to

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Same shit happen to me. I was freaking. The lights would not go up any further, so I hung the light vertical, & rotated the plants very so often. But, here's what I would do, if possible. Go to the dollar store, get some 30 gal. storage containers, re pot them at a 60 degree angle in the tubs, add liquid seaweed to help root system. And grow your ass off.


Well-Known Member
hahahahah, ur in veg! this is an easy one, chop some of it, and get some super thrive, but not necessary, and then let it be for a couple weeks then u can flower it


Active Member
It's not in veg. I'm in my 3rd week of flower. If I top them then I will be losing my colas!!! I'm going to try bending them....Anyone ever hear of bushwacker?? I hear it stops veg growth immediatly


Well-Known Member
I would defiantly not chop or replant anything. I would take a sturdy piece of hemp rope and tie it to an upper part of the plant. Then I would tie some sort of weight to the other end so that it would pull the plant over. I would start with a small weight, maybe 1 lb or so. I wouldnt want to pull the whole plant to the ground on the first day... i would do it in steps..

FYI: this has never happend to me, but either way i would never chop my plant... its just plant abuse


Active Member
If it was in pots it would be easy....Remember I'm using an aeroflo60...So there really is nothing to tie the plants down to unless I stick something in between the posts....


Well-Known Member
you dont need to tie it down to anything...just tie some hemp rope onto the upper part of the plant and put a weight on the end... see your not tieing it down to the floor or to anything else... just put a weight on the rope and let the weight hang in the air...

If it was in pots it would be easy....Remember I'm using an aeroflo60...So there really is nothing to tie the plants down to unless I stick something in between the posts....