please help this noob!!!


i bought the fox farm trio pack but i dont get the chart on how to feed them or mix them can anyone please help with this problem.


Active Member
A more specific question would surely help you find a better answer. How can I or anyone else tell you how to use your nutes with zero background information?
You realize you didnt even tell us how your growing? Soil, Hydro, Aero would all bring a different answer.
seedlings, babies, or monster trees would take a different answer.

Basically, sit down, form an intelligent question, and ask it. You will most likely get the answer your looking for.


ok first off im growing indoor in my closet. i just use miracle grow soil. now its on 12 on 12 off im a little late on fertilzing but i want to make sure i do this right. i just need to learn how to mix it the best way an when to feed it. the plant is about 2 an half feet tall an started flowering for like two weeks and looks good . my main stem is not large and thick like most peoples. its tall an main stem is skinny but not real skinny. hope that helps take a look at the pics


B Irie

If you want to do it right ditch the miracle grow next time, go to a hydro store and look at the soils they carry you probably won't find it...Keep reading, this site will help you a lot.


Well-Known Member
ok first off im growing indoor in my closet. i just use miracle grow soil. now its on 12 on 12 off im a little late on fertilzing but i want to make sure i do this right. i just need to learn how to mix it the best way an when to feed it. the plant is about 2 an half feet tall an started flowering for like two weeks and looks good . my main stem is not large and thick like most peoples. its tall an main stem is skinny but not real skinny. hope that helps take a look at the pics
With the MG soil, yo don't need any nutes. Which MG soil?

I like the Moisture control. Add in some dolomite lime, some perlite, then just water it. I would veg in 1 gal grow bags, then cut the bottoms off and place on top of a gal bucket for flowering (giving a week of veg after x-plant to stabilize) Then in flowering just water & molasses. At about week 5 a *single* watering with kool bloom.

All the anti MG is silly. I did a test of promix w/GH nutes, FF w/FF nutes, and MG w/just water. MG gave me the best yield. (all clones from the same mother) Adding nutes regularly to MG soil is not a good thing.


Well-Known Member
With the MG soil, yo don't need any nutes. Which MG soil?

I like the Moisture control. Add in some dolomite lime, some perlite, then just water it. I would veg in 1 gal grow bags, then cut the bottoms off and place on top of a gal bucket for flowering (giving a week of veg after x-plant to stabilize) Then in flowering just water & molasses. At about week 5 a *single* watering with kool bloom.

All the anti MG is silly. I did a test of promix w/GH nutes, FF w/FF nutes, and MG w/just water. MG gave me the best yield. (all clones from the same mother) Adding nutes regularly to MG soil is not a good thing.
doyishboy (Not trying to hijack your thread)

BigBudBalls - You're probably like the 2nd person that's said that. I went with FFOF because of all the negativity with MG. FFOF had to be shipped to my house and it was expensive as fuck after the freight charges. I really don't want to pay that crazy amount again for soil if I don't have to. Aside from the yield what advantages/disadvantages did the MGMC give you?


Well-Known Member
Big I gotta see those plants first before I cosign. With all the horror pics of miracle grow I find it hard to believe there were no problems.


Well-Known Member
I might have pics. (don't believe me without pics?) Yield diff was about 5% not enough to say FF/promix suck, but I think enough to say they are over rated (since they were behind the MG)

I have nothing against FF. I do think its a fine product. (but paying for shipping of it??) Just silly. Don't we all keep hearing here "Its a weed after all" I don't fertilize my crabgrass, it grows just fine on its own. I love how its "just a weed" when it suites ones argument, then when flustered, it becomes a ultra delicate plant. MG is good for tomatoes, and pot is as close to needs to a tomato plant as it gets. I also don't understand why MG is great for every other plant *but* pot. Ain't it just a weed?

Most newbies grab MG before any research. They add nutes to it and guess what? It burns the plant. Then blame MG because *they* double fertilized and burned the plant.

As for disadvantages of MG mc soil... it has nutes in it. Makes it tough to fix a prob. but Natures Nectar has a line of single nutes. Just N, Just P and Just K so if a def props up, you can adjust (don't see why you would need it) If the plant is burning, check the availability of nutes per pH, and adjust the pH *off* to block the offending nute.
(I use some epsom salt in flowering. One could add CalMag if they want. But I think that per my strain that needed the extra Mg)
Also if its stored outside at the store, it *can* have bugs in it. Try to buy when they just get it in. Also keeping the bag inside the house will help too.

As for pros: Just add water pH'd of course.

Starting seeds in MG mc might be a bit much (I have a ton of left over promix, so I'll use that if I grow again) You can pick out the prills. Not much work for a seedling cup/pot

Also if you are so concerned about the nutes, buy a bag dump in a pot and water it for 3 months. Nutes all gone. (can't flush, the prills don't wash out like soluble salts of 'normal' nutes.)

Define huge. Tall isn't the net result. Short and bushy is better. More to the plant's appearance then the soil and nutes. Lights, ventilation, temps, humidity, and most of all genetics, (and major strain: sativa or indica dominant) Tight node spacing is what I would look for most.

Going by those pics, I gotta go after lack of light. Look rather well fed too. Skinny stalks are just like or muscles. no work, they stay small. A fan blowing on the plant so it *gently* rustles strengthens the stalk. Plants shouldn't need a stake. Maybe when you get those heavy buds. (or with LST or other non-natural methods)


yea i agree with bigbuds. i add a lil bit of nutes an its burning the plant. when should i flush it? because i know i cant keep watering it i just did it tuesday its now thursday. can i save the plant before it dies?


Well-Known Member
can't flush MG soill effectively. flushig can mke it worse. just hang in there. let it dry out well before next watering. then just water.


can't flush MG soill effectively. flushig can mke it worse. just hang in there. let it dry out well before next watering. then just water.
yea big buds its not looking to good the bottom leaves are all drying out an even the buds look like they are drying out to


Well-Known Member
Got pics? Any other symptoms other then drying out? Curling under? spots on leaves? etc?

As for my pics (for those that question):

Which is the FF PM and MG? (after a fan leaf trim)

