*Please help to newbie* What if I...


Hi guys,

First of all, i am a newbie from a foreign land so please excuse my possible English mistakes.

I have germinated a seed from bagweed, it has been 15-20 days and it has grown about 15cm but it seems like not growing fast enough for me. Anyways thats not the biggest deal. My question is i am growing outside that plant gets direct sun light between 12 - and 8. I know it needs to get like 16 hours of light but this is the best i can do for now. I can't grow indoors. What would happen if i keep going like this? Would i be able to harvest my plant?


Well-Known Member
yup but you will probably get 1/4-3/4 oz from that plant if the light cycle is 12 hours now and its only 15cm... n e medicine is better than none! especially when its free!


Well-Known Member
if you have less than 12 hours of light your plant will act like it's flowering. you can grow a seed from flowering light from the start. it will veg for 2 weeks and do the normal stretching that flowering does. then when the plant is ready it will start flowering, as long as you have less than 12 hours of light for the whole grow everything will be fine. if you get into it 6 weeks and then you start getting more than 12 hours of light, your plant will start to veg again.


Its getting only 8 hours of DIRECT light and 4 more hours of INDIRECT light. Its better than nothing as streets said. Thanks for the answers fellas.