Please help!! Unknown Issues

I broke a main from the mainline at the bottom where the 4 mains were supposed to be. So I had 3 mains to start n then i had to move it to my boy crib. During the transportation, broke another stem smfh. He has centra air and the humidity is always in the 80s to lower 70s 80% of the time. I have 2 damp rids and a dehumidifier but it’s not helping. Also there seems to be something chewing on my damn fan leaves. I’m ready to toss this shit man. I can’t bring it back to my place cuz there’s some inspection going on that’s been “delayed” until further notice. So these are the recent pics. Did some defoliation. I wanna switch to flower but I don’t want the humidity being a issue. On top of that, my top leaves are drastically folding in and starting to claw. Idk if it’s underwater cuz Ibeen letting it go dry on purpose or nitrogen deficiency


My Name is Mike

Well-Known Member
You got some major taco/canoeing. Plants are definitely suffering from environment stress. 70-80% RH constant is a bit much. Obviously it's been suggested to raise the lights. This isn't catastrophic... yet but you need to dial in on the environment. Small changes will start to improve your plants health.