Please Help! Weed seedling drooping!

Original, Erb

Well-Known Member
Leaves are green but drooping, 2 weeks old, recently just started drooping when i added my 45w blue spectrum cfl :/ what do you think is the problem?DSC_0140.jpgDSC_0141.jpg



Well-Known Member
Your issue looks to be heat related. The margins of the leaflets are upturned. Another possibility it your soil is too 'hot' meaning it's too rich in nutrients at a stage when the plant usually provides it's own nutrition.

Can you give me some history on your plant and I may be able to assist.

Original, Erb

Well-Known Member
Right well its 2 weeks old today, ive just repotted it, I had her under 2 18w cfls and just added a 45w 6400k blue spectrum for veg, The soil is soil from my garden its composted and has grown great tomatoes, so that should be ok, Its since ive added the 45w :/ The room is ok for temperature I've moved the light about 4 inches away, but the cotyledon leaves are yellow and dying and the other leaves are drooping, It looks ok in colour :/


Well-Known Member
Damn, where to start......

First, prop up or stake those guys before they fall over. I don't understand why we have to say that.
Can't you see the stem leaning and ready to fall? Simply, falling is bad. Don't let them fall over. I use
a pipecleaner wrapped around a popsicle stick to prop them up.

Second, why did you skip at least one transplanting? A new seedling will grow only roots until the roots
hit the inside wall of the pot. You can figure on 3 weeks of no visible growth because you seem to want
a rootball large enough to support a tree. It's probably too late to put them in a smaller pot like you should have.
But they will survive and thrive if you stake them up and try to get some fan action going. When a plant feels
a breeze it starts to build a stronger main stem for support.

So, stake 'em and fan 'em and learn.
Good luck, BigSteve.

Original, Erb

Well-Known Member
I know I should have waited before transplanting, I guess I have to learn from my mistakes. I hope it will get better. The fans been on so hopefully the plant will perk up a lil. Thanks bigsteve for the info. Im still a noob.