please help. what is this and how do i get rid of it


Well-Known Member
noticed older fan leaves were getting spotted and started looking like a mag def. then fan leaves started dieing and falling off. thought i had root aphids. found some little white bugs in soil a week ago and have treated with a few products. sns203, bayer natria, merit 75, azamax. watered plants today and lots of these guys were scramming across top 2 inches of my soil. i dont know what they are. 4 legs make me think they are a mite.
can anyone please tell me how to get rid of these. they are killing my mothers and the plants i have in flower. looks like predator mite to me but that doesnt explain why my plants are dyeing.
they are only in the soil. havnt seen a single one on the stem or plant.


Well-Known Member
I used evergreen (or another pyrethrum concentrate some of my local hydro stores sell evergreen re-bottled in 1 oz. size) as a root dunk when I got root aphids. One time dunk, then added to nutes once a week for a month. Once a month after, and ofc sprayed everything.

plants took a while to recover, but did not see any living after the root dunk/spray. hth


Well-Known Member
I used evergreen (or another pyrethrum concentrate some of my local hydro stores sell evergreen re-bottled in 1 oz. size) as a root dunk when I got root aphids. One time dunk, then added to nutes once a week for a month. Once a month after, and ofc sprayed everything.

plants took a while to recover, but did not see any living after the root dunk/spray. hth
thanks for the response. when it comes to bugs nobody responds. do you think i have spider mites? i thought spider mites were in the leaves and lived above ground. these little buggers are only in the soil. i haven't seen any webbing as well.


Active Member
I wonder what effect beneficial nematodes would do? The kind that you let loose and they go hunting after everything they can eat? I was looking to buy some off of Amazon but they are time critical and shipping has to be fast. I've heard good things about them. They actually become parasites on every organism they can enter but are harmless to humans. That's what I would like to try out. I think they would tear a new a--hole on any mites.


Active Member
Can you post a picture of the leaves with spots? Mites leave little white dots and won't make webs immediately.


Well-Known Member
yeah. spray 2 teaspoons per gallon dish soap and add2 teaspoon neem oil also teaspoon bleach. per gallon and spray the soil. dead bugs.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the replies. here are pics. please let me know what you think.
here is a photo of just one plant. they all look like this and they all have the same problem. keep in mind that i have treated the hell out of them so some of the top leaves are burned. they are getting pretty root bound too. i want to kill the bugs before i put them in new pots.


Well-Known Member
I wonder what effect beneficial nematodes would do? The kind that you let loose and they go hunting after everything they can eat? I was looking to buy some off of Amazon but they are time critical and shipping has to be fast. I've heard good things about them. They actually become parasites on every organism they can enter but are harmless to humans. That's what I would like to try out. I think they would tear a new asshole on any mites.
i actually have some nematodes and i added them the other day to my flowering plants. they are dr. pye's scanmask. got them off amazon. here is the link. if you interested let me know and i can let you know the results.


Well-Known Member
I wonder what effect beneficial nematodes would do? The kind that you let loose and they go hunting after everything they can eat? I was looking to buy some off of Amazon but they are time critical and shipping has to be fast. I've heard good things about them. They actually become parasites on every organism they can enter but are harmless to humans. That's what I would like to try out. I think they would tear a new asshole on any mites.
i actually have some nematodes and i added them the other day to my flowering plants. they are dr. pye's scanmask. got them off amazon. here is the link. if you interested let me know and i can let you know the results.


Well-Known Member
@OP is this your thread as well? hmmmm.


Well-Known Member
^not sure what his game is but if it is his thread then why come here and start all over again? His problem was clearly answered in that thread.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
^not sure what his game is but if it is his thread then why come here and start all over again?
could be legit. I read the last page of thread and the op still has em.

Probably looking for new thoughts after over six months on one forum.

I can relate... I been battling root aphids for over six months. I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that i'll never get rid of em as i'm perpetual. Control is the best I can hope to achieve @ this point.


Well-Known Member
thats not my thread. i used the pic from that thread because i couldn't get a picture that focused. i have a lot of that same critter but if it is a predator mite i have bugs i cant find. i read through the whole thread and still dont know what to do. at this point im getting reckless. i bought a bottle of neem oil and some new soil last night. this morning i filled a 5 gal bucket with water, merit 75, azamax, nicotine, and a heavy mix of neem oil. completely soaked every plants roots for 30 min. then put them in new pots with new soil that i had neem oil mixed in it. cleaned both grow rooms with a water bleach mix and a shop vac. then added nematodes i had that were getting old. not sure if the nematodes will survive in that soil will all that horrible stuff mixed in it. from what i read those predator mites will eat the nematodes anyway. if this doesn't work with in the next two weeks im prob just going to burn it all and start over. honestly i feel like the plants will die after today's soak anyway. im going to continue to treat with neem after today after today. il keep this thread updated with pics for others information and a good laugh if my girls die. i would still love to hear any advice or opinions. thanks again.

sure does look like it eh?


Well-Known Member
so... i may have over done it with the nematodes a little. i didnt even think that they would still be alive because they have been sitting in the cup they came in with water for a few days. i was just inspecting my soil and noticed that i could see movement but there was no bug in that spot. looked a little harder with a 30x microscope and there are no joke millions of these tiny clear worm like things. look like this.

i thought i would need like a 100x microscope to see them but nope they are stacked. so many of them i wondering if they could kill the plants possibly. if these actually kill the insects the box says i recommend dr. pye's scanmask nematodes any day. it was 20$ and they gave me so many. i used the whole box on 9 gallon pots of soil and wow!


Well-Known Member
hey i dont know what stuff you have tried to kill those root aphids with but if you haven't tried nematodes yet i really do recommend the dr. pye's. i cant tell you that it will work 100% but after seeing how active they are hours after i applied them on chemical treated soil. i think they will work for root aphids and $20 is worth it to kill those devils. i think i had root aphids and i believe the first application of dr. pye's killed them. im starting to think the predator mites were just cleaning up the dead bugs and roots that they damaged. i only applied the nematodes to my flowering plants and they all looked great today compared to my veg and my flower room was the worst of the two. good luck my friend.