PLEASE HELP!!! What's Going On, Rust Spots or Something? And How To Stop/Cure It?


Well-Known Member
OK, I only have two plants and two very small clones, the big plants are White Widow and an Indica Purples of some kind, both have been doing great until I noticed some brown/rust colored spots and yellowing of the lower leaves on my Indica Purples a few days ago, well now its spreading throughout the whole plant but the White Widow seems to be unaffected, the White Widow is a Clone I got from a friend and the Indica Purples I germinated from my own bag-seed so its kinda like my baby if ya know what I mean and right now my baby is sick, can someone PLEASE tell me what's going on and how do I stop/cure it??????? I heard that if its rust spots I should get something called copper spray, is that right??? I would be very grateful for any help or advice you can offer, thanks for your time.




Active Member
i got the same problem bruh im still on google trying to find out im thinking calcium nute burn and mg def

trichome fiend

Well-Known Member
...what is your growing medium?
...what are you using as a water source? you pH adjust? old are the plants?
...have you fertilized any? ...if so, with what and when?


Active Member
hey trichome fiend if i feed my plants yesterday but i feed her wayyy to much nutes can i flush today or would i have to wait till it drys up its soil ffof


Active Member
yea i agree flush now, you wont run the risk of overwatering as you just watered yesterday and it will only keep them wet an extra day or two than if you didnt, just maybe run half strength nutes after the flush your soil will be lacking nutes, you dont want a def straight after your slight burns, and let the pots dry up nice afterwards and if all is well continue ur schedule!


Active Member
but if this started happening a few days ago and you only overfed yesterday maybe u having something else going on?


Active Member
hey trichome fiend if i feed my plants yesterday but i feed her wayyy to much nutes can i flush today or would i have to wait till it drys up its soil ffof
i just realized ur a differnt person than the guy who started the thread lol if your plants dont show any signs of burning i wouldnt flush, flushing stress's a plant too, i know my ferts need to be measured with a meter, i was doing the recommended teaspoons before and has severe underfeed turns out it was coming out at 400/500ppms where it should have been 1500, so what im saying is you may not have over-fed at all and you could be flushing for no reason!! i dont know man up to you there your babies!


Well-Known Member
Well I think I know what happened guys and I'm a bit embarrassed about it, we keep bottles of water in the garage in case of emergencies and we put a couple drops of bleach in each bottle so it doesn't go stagnant. Well the other day I grabbed a 2 gal jug out of the garage to use as a nute mixer container and stupidly I set it down next to my plant watering jugs (I use the same jug as a watering jug), well I normally use 99.9% pure water from an Aqua Vie water purifier to water my plants but the other day I was in a hurry and I grabbed the 2 gal water jug with the months old water (don't know how old but possibly a year or so, OOOOPS!!) with bleach in it and watered my plants with that, I know I know, stupid rookie move. So I imagine that couldn't be good at all especially when their entire life they've been getting 99.9% pure water and suddenly they get very old bleach containing water, sounds bad to me but would that cause the problems I'm experiencing??? Live and learn I guess, lol. Well I flushed the pots with pure water and mixed a very lite mix of Fish Fertilizer, B-1, soluble kelp and SUPERthrive so that the soil isn't completely depleted of nutes. Well its only been about a day and my plant seems to be looking a little better but I don't think I'm out of the woods just yet. The soil I'm using is crappy cheap soil so I went and bought a big bag of FoxFarm Original, a small bag of FoxFarm Ocean Forest because Ive heard its a hot soil and a small bag of Deali Gold soil amendment, I will be mixing up some soil and transplanting my plants from 1 gal pots to 3 gal pots today so I hope that the MUCH BETTER soil and bigger pots will help. As for what kind of nutes I'm using I believe its called Vanda Swan or something like that, my buddy gave me some in some blank bottles with no instruction other than hand written 1/2 tsp per gal kinda thing on each bottle, lol. He told me its imported from Holland, is quite expensive and works fantastic so I took his word for it and up until the other day the plants looked very healthy and the White Widow still dose. Ive heard that White Widow is very hardy and so far that seems to be the case so I might just clone her and do all WW??? After I transplant them to the bigger post with better soil I will keep you posted on how they are doing. I'm not really worried about the White Widow its the Indica Purples that concerns me and Ive heard that some strains just aren't good for rookies with little experience and I'm guessing this Indica might be one of those strains. Well Thanks everyone for your advice and I sure do hope things get better.