Please Help with my Ebb Flow Seedlings, 60 plants need help



I am new to this forum and I am on my first Grow. I have been battling algae and finally resolved the issue with upgrading to a cooler to keep light out and the res temp low.

The Algae raised the ph to 6.5 overnight and I flushed the whole system two times.

Here is my set up and info.

60 Plants all Aurora Indica
Propagated in rockwool cubes Ph 5.8
Left in Tray for 1.5 weeks until first large leaves appeared

Then transplanted into 2 inch net pots with hydrotron
There is no light or air getting into the tray
The Res is 66
The Ph 5.7
Temp 83.5 in room
Co2 1450
Humidity 50%
Ppm 410


These pictures are from tonight. I am flooding the table 3 times a day for 15 minutes and only when the lights are on.

The Plants are under a 450 watt HO T5 Florescent Fixture


I am having trouble figuring how to make these healthy again.

Should I back off the nutes for a week or so?
Raise the lights
Do you think I spider Mites? Or what are the small white dots of the leaves.

Please any and all input is much appreciated.


I thought it might be Nute burn. What should my ppms be at? I didn't understand your first question about roots?


Well-Known Member
what are the roots looking like are they even out of the net pots yet? if they dont have a well established root system then 400 ppm is a little overkill back them down to 100-200 ppm i ease into the nutes with seedlings every week more and more. what kinda water you using and whats your lighting schedule 18/6 20/4?


Ok, I just Diluted down to 300ppm I am going to drain and dilute more until down to 200. Lighting schedule is 18/6. Ph 5.8 Rh I raised to 65%. When should I see results?

I can't inspect roots is there a good gauge as far as plant size i.e. leaves or inches that I could assume there are enough roots to put them back to 400?


Should I feed it only macro nutrients and in a couple weeks should I add in the roots excel, sensizyme, voodoo juice, bud candy, sweet, etc


Well-Known Member
Ok, I just Diluted down to 300ppm I am going to drain and dilute more until down to 200. Lighting schedule is 18/6. Ph 5.8 Rh I raised to 65%. When should I see results?

I can't inspect roots is there a good gauge as far as plant size i.e. leaves or inches that I could assume there are enough roots to put them back to 400?
get it down to 200 and go from there it might take a little bit to see some improvement may be quick never know but new growth from the main stem should look better once a few leaf sets come in just be a little patient with them. if you cant inspect the roots just go by plant growth say you start 200 ppm and after a week they look better then up the nutes to 300 ppm if they really take to that in a few days and still looking good go 300 and so on this is what i do and it works great hope i was able to help here is a pic of one of my little purp seedlings that i overdosed a bit lol backed them up a tad and her new growth looks great



Well-Known Member
no prob good luck anymore questions are welcomed i will check back and see how its going system looks good though.


Seedling Update!

OK so last night was chaotic but today seems to more on track.

I have changed the Nutrient reservoir and brought the ppm up to 100.
Changed the RH from 45% to 65%
Air temp on the top of the plant is 83.2
PH 5.8
1500 co2
Reservoir temp 66
Raised the HO T5 lamp to 1 foot above the tops of the plants
I also dropped the water level of the flooding to just barely touching the bottom of the RW cube, in the 2 inch net pot w/hydrotron

3 floods a day; first flood 1 hour after lights are on, second 9.5 hours into day, last flood 4 hours before light off. Each flood is 15 minutes long.

Do you think I should water more or less than that?

I inspected the roots and it seems that there is a lot of action, but most of the roots are still within the 2 inch net cup and is trying to make its way past the hydrotron to the flood table.

Let me know what you guys think.


A. Scriabin


Well-Known Member
sounds like you got a good schedule watering sounds good you are running 18/6 correct do you water at all when the lights are out


Well-Known Member
its not a big deal i do when im flowering just once when lights out just to keep the roots damp through out the 12 hour periode


Active Member
it looks like nute burn. those cuttings are pretty tiny! how good of a root ball did they have when you put them in the hydro


it looks like nute burn. those cuttings are pretty tiny! how good of a root ball did they have when you put them in the hydro
I have just found out that it is not nute burn but PH issues and the fact that I was using h2o2. I have flushed the plants again and made a 250ppm strength nutrient solution and I returned my $250 hanna ph/ec/ppm/temp meter and purchased the old fashioned strips and drops to measure PH.

I hate digital crap, it never seems to stay calibrated.

My nutes are sensi grow a/b, roots excel, sensizyme, and pro tek. I am starting light this time and running for an entire week.

I will keep evryone posted with pictures and more info as I go along.