Please help with plant in trouble

My og kush strain has been int he soil for 18 days now. It seemed like it was growing slow as there was only 1 set of true leaves after 2 weeks. But it was still green and healthy. But yesterday I oticed the set of leaves was curling down. It is directly under 3 23 watt clfs with a fan blowing on it. I have been told by several people on this forum that 3 23 watt clfs is more than enough light for a seedling. Can somebody please tell me what it looks like my plant is lacking. Attached is a picture. Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Have you been watering heavily? Does your soil have nutes in it? It's not a light issue.

Also, while this isn't probably the cause, it's not good to have a fan blowing directly on it. Have it oscillate if it can.
I havent given it nutrients yet, and my friend thought I was underwatering because the soil is always looking dry. but i do give it alot of water the soil just soaks it up so fast. and the fan was on oscillate. I should have said that lol


Well-Known Member
Okay well, usually with little seedlings like that, 95% of the time they either get over-watered or too much nutrients. I tried to look up your soil mix, and I couldn't find if there was nutes in it or not. This could be the case. Also from the picture it looks like kind of a heavy mixture.. You want a real light airy mixture for seedlings, so if that soil was kind of muddy then you may need to transplant

Just give her only water till the 3rd leaf set (PH'ed between 6.0 and 7.0 if you can), and let her dry out well between waterings. Go by the weight of the pot or stick your finger in, and if there is any moisture its good. Better to be on the dry side as you can always add water, but you can't take it out.

If all that is in check, then it should come out of it. I have seen some seedlings survive some crazy circumstances.


Well-Known Member
Your seedling is overwatered. A heavily overwatered seedlings cotyledons will turn yellow over a few days. Now it has no nutrients.

Apparently your brand of potting mix uses 100% peat with only a small amount of perlite and dolomite added. Peat holds on to quite a bit of water so you need to amend with a fair amount of perlite, the amount that came in the bag isn't gonna do much.