Please help with soil


can anyone tell me the best soil to grow in, im in england so im looking for soil and nutes that can be bought in this country, thank you:-P:leaf:


Well-Known Member
This may be my first post but i have lurked and read everything i feel i need to to say, There are a million threads on this. You should check out the sticky "how to grow Marijuana", it'll pretty much answer all your questions. But to try to answer your question its pretty much preference. Alot of people will say different things givin whats worked for them. I would suggest Fox Farms "light warrior" for seedlings then switch to something with a little stronger, Like Fox Farms "Ocean Forrest". They views on miracle grow are mixed, tho most of them say avoid it. (hopefully these things are available in england, im in the states). GOOD LUCK!!

all this info was taken from other posts/threads with the same question.

And I'd Like to say HI (since this is my first post), I'm looking forward to my stay at RIU


Active Member
if you have fox farms ocean forest id recommend that. its great for beginners. but as previously mentioned its all preference and you will learn as you go.