Please Help With Uncle Ben Technique: Got 2 Colas instead of 4 Coals????

Garcia Vega

Active Member
kiss-ass I will be in great debt…

Uncle Ben's technique is phenomenal, however I have a quick question?
The UB technique was applied to 9 female plants (2 Purple Haze, 2 Vanilla Kush, 2 Tangerine Dream, 2 LSD, 1 Critical Jack) at the 2nd true node as to get the 4 colas displayed in the pictures.

Now this is my first time trying the Uncle Ben technique, and although it has provided a great sling-shot affect with 2 colas, I did not get any females with 4 colas. They are 2 weeks into flower and looking super, but I would love to have the 4 colas.

Is there any advice, or pointer as to why pinching at the 2nd node would not result in 4 colas, but 2 colas????
Please help with info or feedback, thanks! :wall:


Well-Known Member
Did you follow his pictorial? was there nodes below. if you look at his pick there are four nodes when he those 4 become the "terminal" colas. did yours just bush out?

Garcia Vega

Active Member
The 9 females were vegged until about 7-8inches & about 5-6 nodes, they then were pinched right above the 2nd true node….Which should have allowed the plant to responded by redirecting growing hormones to the 4 "terminals".

However each and every one of the females turned into a sling-shot looking 2 cola plant. They are healthy and look just like the pictures provided by the Uncle Ben Technique post. For some reason the bottom 2 colas never recovered as strong as the upper 2 colas did and I ended up having to lollipop them with some other useless branches???

Hope that was a little more clear to everybody and again your advice or feedback would be great. Cacamal they did not just bush out.

Garcia Vega

Active Member
:leaf:Fellow Hemp Growers, please help with some feedback and or prier experiences. There has been 36 views and only 1 helpful comment. Please help thy neighbor and provide some HELPbongsmilie

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
:leaf:Fellow Hemp Growers, please help with some feedback and or prier experiences. There has been 36 views and only 1 helpful comment. Please help thy neighbor and provide some HELPbongsmilie
No need to send me a PM and start another thread. I addressed your concerns in the original thread.

However each and every one of the females turned into a sling-shot looking 2 cola plant.
That's just what some plants do. The new colas will eventually turn vertical. See the 2nd photo here -,1106.0.html

Ya done fucked up by doing the lollipopping drill.

Garcia Vega

Active Member
Response @ Uncle Ben

"Ya done fucked up by doing the lollipopping drill"

I read a lot of articles about lolli-popping in 1st & 3rd week of flowering…Would you consider this practice unproductive or even worse, counter-productive?

In the second week of flowering the 9 females look great, however, a more elaborate description of why you feel lolli-popping is bad would be helpful for my next go round. Thanks.

Father Earth

Well-Known Member
Lolli popping removes branchs where future buds could have grown. They may recieve less light but the lolli popped branches would have yeilded some fruit, therefore it decreases yeild. I use this tech only to receieve clones. .


Well-Known Member
lollipopping "pushes hormones to the top of the plant to increase main cola/nug at the top of the plant". i dont do it. fuck that. i like 1000000 nuggs and i never had a small cola at the top. only time i remove leaves is if they are decaying, or fucking with light/air circulation.

like Uncle ben said, if you got 2 colas instead of 4, ya topped it, and didnt do the FIM method. i too read that article for the first time a few weeks ago, and i did it to 2 plants, one has 2 colas, and 1 has 4. read the article again, its a different location for the cut.

PS: ima top all my plants from now on thx to uncle ben, same size plant as 1 not topped but more herb. love it. and you get a clone too if you go lower.


Well-Known Member
when you top at the third node (like ub posted)

you get 4 tops.


because those nodes are so close to one another and each node has 2 tops,(if a top is higher than the rest by at least one inch, it will be the dominant one, so because they are so close, none of the 4 tops will get dominant)

if you top later,the nodes will be further apart and you will get 2 tops.

ub suggested to top later when the plant has a few nodes more, but i dont see the point of that, how it can be more shocking to a plant to cut off a tiny bit (cutting right when the 3rd node appears or soon after)
rather than to cut off a huge piece later..but hey, i only have tried this once (usually do a bit different)

but it was very successful , topping at the 3rd node (real nodes) to get 4 tops.

its probably better though if the plant allready has sidegrowth as it had in my case allready at the 3rd node (se asian sativa)

but i dont see why it should matter that much.

Sir Stickybuds

Well-Known Member
If you topped with 2 nodes available, usually the top two branches will grow faster than the bottom two, If you use some training and bending and allow the other bottom branches to catch up to the top two, then you will have four, another option is to top the 2 branches again to get 4 from those 2

Garcia Vega

Active Member
lollipopping "pushes hormones to the top of the plant to increase main cola/nug at the top of the plant". i dont do it. fuck that. i like 1000000 nuggs and i never had a small cola at the top. only time i remove leaves is if they are decaying, or fucking with light/air circulation.

like Uncle ben said, if you got 2 colas instead of 4, ya topped it, and didnt do the FIM method. i too read that article for the first time a few weeks ago, and i did it to 2 plants, one has 2 colas, and 1 has 4. read the article again, its a different location for the cut.

PS: ima top all my plants from now on thx to uncle ben, same size plant as 1 not topped but more herb. love it. and you get a clone too if you go lower.

Fantastic job my friend on the 4 cola female! I perhaps got too excited and topped instead of FIM, will re-read and continue to use, crazy great way to get 4x as much bud with same space & equipment requirements…(IN my case 2x as much hahahah)

Thanks for the response and input