Please help! yellow, wilting leaves and burn on tips



I'm a first time grower freaking out about my little girls!

My plants were doing great then suddenly the bottom leaves started turning yellow. It starting at the tips and edges and progressed up the plant. It is also wilting and some leaves are curling.

Through research I figured it was a nitrogen deficiency and added T-Rex Grow(nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, boro, magnesium) ten days ago. There hasn't been any change, except my other plant which was strong is now starting to wilt and the tips have turned brown. I water them every 4 to 5 days(a couple ounces at PH 5/6ish) each time. They are in a room with sufficient airflow and are on a 400 mercury light(18:6) schedule.

I'm also posting some pics to help illustrate.

Please help me! Days go by and the plants are only looking worse, sagging more every day.

Thank you very much for your time!



Well-Known Member
I'd increase light. They look too spindly - not enough leaves for height. Should be a lot more leaves given the total area of the plant.


Well-Known Member
Def N deficiency or maybe ph, it's a bit low for soil, I agree they do look a bit spindly.


Well-Known Member
If you started that from seed and you don't know what the sex is it may be a male. If that is the case then a male would look like that maybe?

How often do you water? 4 to 5 days a couple ounces per plant.
Do you let the soil dry out all the way? or keep it light moister? Dry Out.
What is the pH of the run off water? and what was the pH before you used it? Water with pH around 5 to 6 Being used.
How high are the lights from the top?
What are the Room temps at?

I am new to the growing world. My plants were doing great then suddenly the bottom leaves started turning yellow. It starting at the tips and edges and progressed up the plant. It is also wilting and some leaves are curling. I have two plants and only one is doing this. Through research I figured it was a deficiency and added T-Rex Grow(nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, boro, magnesium) five days ago. There hasn't been any change, except my other plant which was strong is now starting to wilt and the tips have turned brown. I water them every 4 to 5 days(a couple ounces at PH 5/6ish) each time. They are in a room with sufficient airflow and are on a 400 mercury light(18:6) schedule. Attached are some photos. Any feedback or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I would ask this last 2 questions, what type of soil are you using? and how long ago did you trans plant them into it?

My thinking is you burned the plants even the the other plant.

My plants were doing great then suddenly the bottom leaves started turning yellow. It starting at the tips and edges and progressed up the plant. It is also wilting and some leaves are curling.
I figured it was a deficiency and added T-Rex Grow(nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, boro, magnesium) five days ago. There hasn't been any change, except my other plant which was strong is now starting to wilt and the tips have turned brown.



Thank you all so very much for your help!

Since those pictures where taken, the plants have wilted dramatically! I'm adding more pictures to illustrate. It's heart-breaking to see them like this! If anybody has any idea, please share it.
View attachment 2394221View attachment 2394219View attachment 2394220

halfaweek, I thought so too, but i've given some nitrogen rich nutes 10 days ago and the problem only seems to be getting worse!

Coho, so you think the burned tips are because of a soil ph og 6.5? Since you and DeeTee both think this could be it, I'm gonna run out and buy a soil PH meter (which is quite pricey here in Argentina). Thanks guys!

Spl1, I did grow them from seed. Both are feminized Dinamfem seeds (industrial plant and diesel).

I'm using a soil mixture I got in a local grow shop, I wish I could remember what was on it! When I transplanted them to this container, I didnt really change the soil, I just added more. If you think this is key, I can call them and ask exactly what was in the soil.

Again guys, thank you so much for your help!


Well-Known Member
Thank you all so very much for your help!

Since those pictures where taken, the plants have wilted dramatically! I'm adding more pictures to illustrate. It's heart-breaking to see them like this! If anybody has any idea, please share it.
View attachment 2394221View attachment 2394219View attachment 2394220

halfaweek, I thought so too, but i've given some nitrogen rich nutes 10 days ago and the problem only seems to be getting worse!

Coho, so you think the burned tips are because of a soil ph og 6.5? Since you and DeeTee both think this could be it, I'm gonna run out and buy a soil PH meter (which is quite pricey here in Argentina). Thanks guys!

Spl1, I did grow them from seed. Both are feminized Dinamfem seeds (industrial plant and diesel).

I'm using a soil mixture I got in a local grow shop, I wish I could remember what was on it! When I transplanted them to this container, I didnt really change the soil, I just added more. If you think this is key, I can call them and ask exactly what was in the soil.

Again guys, thank you so much for your help!
The pictures don't come on, but that does not matter. You nuked the plants... Feminized seeds does not mean female plants, it just means that someone selfed a female plant to hermie on it self and then they use the pollen to make female seeds. Just do not be surprised if you get a hermie if they survive.(NOT SAYING YOU WILL just don't be shocked if it happens)

The soil you got from the hydro store has nut in it, that soil should have had enough nut to feed the seeding for at least 3 weeks with just plain water. I would never have added nut this early in the plants life unless it was a promix type media.

just use water and flush it out and put the plant as close to a nice sunny window that won't get you in trouble, and get some nice air moving around the plants to help them start to grow again. Water evaporation is what I am getting at, just feed with water pH 5.8 for the next weeks. use your finger to test the soil to see if it needs water.

Good Luck


Thanks for you help guys!

when you say "burn" do you mean like chemical burn?

Sorry I messed the attachments, here they go again.


spl1, thanks a lot for all that information. Those first pictures where before nutes where added. This ones are 10 days after the nutes went in.

If you still think its overburn in nutrients, I'm going to do as you said: water them with 5.8 ph water and put them in a window with nice sunlight.

Thank you guys, you are the best!


Active Member
Thanks for you help guys!

when you say "burn" do you mean like chemical burn?

Sorry I messed the attachments, here they go again.

View attachment 2394576View attachment 2394577View attachment 2394578View attachment 2394579

spl1, thanks a lot for all that information. Those first pictures where before nutes where added. This ones are 10 days after the nutes went in.

If you still think its overburn in nutrients, I'm going to do as you said: water them with 5.8 ph water and put them in a window with nice sunlight.

Thank you guys, you are the best!

I've burnt my plants too, i'm using coco and i got a little heavy with the nutes. My seedlings didn't really droop but the edges looked exactly like yours (you can check my other threads to see for yourself). Basically what i did was just put a fan on them and let them dry out really well. then i watered them with just regular pH'd balanced water for the net few waterings (not overdoing it) and they bounced back alright. But i am not an expert so follow up on this with someone who has a bit more experience. I'm a newbie too. lol


Active Member
Plants that are in a good soil mix should NOT need any additional nutriants, outside of maybe cal/mag as most good quality potting soils have plenty of nutriants already in them. By adding nutriants into a nutrant rich soil you run the risk of burning them or causing a lockout by having too much N in the soil. Personally I do not add any additional nutes to my soil until they are placed into 12/12. My advice to you is to either flush it good with a ph'd water or repot into clean soil. Watering by the weight of the pot ( dry ) is critical as well, as most seem to overwater which causes root problems. Do not try and water on a schedule, but rather when they need it only.

Just my 2 cents worth


Well-Known Member
Thanks for you help guys!

when you say "burn" do you mean like chemical burn?

Sorry I messed the attachments, here they go again.

View attachment 2394576View attachment 2394577View attachment 2394578View attachment 2394579

spl1, thanks a lot for all that information. Those first pictures where before nutes where added. This ones are 10 days after the nutes went in.

If you still think its overburn in nutrients, I'm going to do as you said: water them with 5.8 ph water and put them in a window with nice sunlight.

Thank you guys, you are the best!
When did the tops start to stand up? Or is it they have not fallen down yet?


Sorry spl1, I don't understand the question!

Everybody seems to think its nutes, but the weird thing is that my plants where wilting before I added any nutes!

I'm going crazy here, they are getting worse ever day.

Thanks you all for yourl help!
How big are your pots? Couple of ounce of water is barely a quarter cup of water. Needs more water each time. They are too dry!