Please help!


Active Member
can anybody tell me what is wrong with my plant as my leaves r terning white and it is not a powdery substance or a coating of any kind . the leaves r smooth as normal but it just seems that the leaves themself r turning white . just wondered if anybody could tell me what is wrong?.



Well-Known Member
That is called false mildew or white mildew. Happens alot when your temperatures and humidity fluctuate too much. There are many fungicides you can use. I use a product called mildew cure..has cotton seed oil + garlic oil + bicarbonate. Hydrogen peroxide could be used but could not give you the exact dosage as a foliar spray most likely 1-2 mL per gallon of water. I use hydrogen peroxide with einstein's oil + coc wet as a fungicide and miticide everytime I transplant. Baking soda would work too but could not give you the dosage amount.


Well-Known Member
Yes, mildew and mold are similar. I think it's harmful bacteria, usually caused by moisture. Should be some more cause/cure info at that link I posted above.
I'd trust CCat's diagnosis/remedy myself?


Well-Known Member
for fuck sakes some times i hate noobies we have given
you four answers and your still asking for help......


Active Member
hi can anybody tell me what week to start the 12/12 light cycle at. and i no its 12 hours light but what is the other 12 hours is it darkness or red heat light?