Please help


Well-Known Member
The lower leaves look fine. That looks like a pretty bad light burn to me. What's your setup and how far away are your lights? :peace:


Active Member
i flushed. the bottom of the plants are fine it is only the tops that are burnt. the pic says a 1000 words what more info do u need jt?


Active Member
The was the point of more information.
what your set-up, what kind of feed you all information will help.
because i had a problem like that and it turned out to be a toxic from my pot and the nut's i feed.

Yung Pup

I'm doing backyard outdoor setup. Just big container.
It doesn't seem to be effecting the growth maybe slowing it down and the stem is stressed not completely purple.
I'm using a bending technique to snake it upwards so I can save space and it seems to be coming along.
I have pics of the stem if you want me to post them.

Yung Pup

Epic first-post-thread-jack. :clap:
hahaha. Thank you.I don't know what it is.It kinda seems like its going away after I transplanted and started bending it. On top of that I germinated my first seed today. If I put it under a light n' sprout it that way will I still be able to move it outdoors? Or should I just start it all outdoors?
Sorry for so many questions this is my first baby.