Please Help!!

Hey guys, new to growing, learnt so much in a short space of time with a lot of help from this forum!

Im about 2 weeks into my first grow of feminzed white widows (started from seed). Im using the Wilma pot system, with canna aqua nutrients. Everything seems to be going fine, apart from 2 of the plants seem to be slightly discoloured. I have a few ideas as to why they have discolouring, the first being that when i transported my young seedlings (1 week old) to the wilma one of the drippers managed to drip some of the nutes (diluted) onto two of the plants slightly. the second possible reason is that i had the plants too close to my 250w cfl in the early stages and they might have burnt slightly from the the high temps. The third possibility is nute burn, the EC is at 0.8 though and the other plants seem to be going fine. Oh, i also misted them with PH balanced water couple nights ago, and have since read that it can cause problems. Anyways, thought i would post a few photos of them and see if anyone can point out to me why they have slightly gone brown...

Many thanks in advance to whoever helps out. I know im probably just stressing over nothing as its my first grow, but i want everything to be correct.




Active Member
I honestly think they are doing great. Maybe a little underfed or maybe a little heat burn. Other than that, they seem to be fine. If they are a little crispy and pointing UPWARDS = heat burn or underfed DOWNWARDS = overwatered or overfed.
I honestly think they are doing great. Maybe a little underfed or maybe a little heat burn. Other than that, they seem to be fine. If they are a little crispy and pointing UPWARDS = heat burn or underfed DOWNWARDS = overwatered or overfed.
Thanks for the advice. i think it could be a due to both. Gonna try keep my temps down as much as pos. Was planning on increasing my nutes to about 1.2/1.4 next week. Could they be increased earlier?
Thought id post a few more photos of my babies... They are getting fed twice a day for 15 minutes with an EC of 0.8 with a soft water EC of 0.2. They seem to be doing great. the discolouring seems to be only on 2 of the plants, and i reckon it was cause by heat burn (had the temps over 90 for a v short time :/

I am planning to increase the nutes to about 1.4 next week. Does anyone know if they look like they could use more nutrients earlier? The leafs on a couple of the plants are curling up quite a lot. See photos. Is the curling caused by underfeeding of nutrients? Ive been able to keep my temps around 80 since the heat burn incident anyways...




Active Member
more photos of leaf curling upwards...
Your plants look fine, dude! Quite healthy, actually.

At the seedling stage, there isn't all that much you can do wrong other than overfert or out of whack ph maybe. Any 'defects' you see in the plants are more likely to be slightly freakish mutations particular to that plant in my experience.

Once the cotyledons turn yellow and you start to provide the nutrients, a lot can go wrong but at this point you have little to worry about.


Active Member
your plants look good. One thing I learned as a new grower is that it is possible to love your plants to death, let them have some time and you will be OK... Good luck PEACE
I think a few days ago i prematurely upped the feeding to twice a day, and i think this was the reason for the small change in colour. I have the plants being fed again only once a day for 15 minutes and wait to see when they slightly wilt and ill know how often they will need fed. My strategy to increase nutrients is to see if the EC drops at all and waiting for yellowing. At that point I will know they need more and ill replace the water and up the nutrients. Is this a good approach? In the past 18 hours the Ec has risen slightly, so i guess they dont need any more for now.

Are there better ways of monitoring how many nutrients the plants need?
Any opinions on what EC i should have them going into week 2? Im thinking i will increase slowly this week up to 1.2.
My EC is currently at 0.8 including soft water at 0.2, so 0.6 of canna aqua a and b nutes, and PH is stable between 5.5 and 6.2. Im also using small amounts of rhizitonic and Cannazym too.


Well-Known Member
whoah, btw, stop increasing your nutes. There are nutrients in your soil that will last for about 3mo. and your YOUNG plants don't need the extra boost right now.
whoah, btw, stop increasing your nutes. There are nutrients in your soil that will last for about 3mo. and your YOUNG plants don't need the extra boost right now.
I assume u mean the nutrients in the root riot soil? cause im using canna aqua vega in hydro and it recommends i should be using about 1.2 EC at this stage.... I just put my reservoir up to 1.00, but have an EC of 0.2 in my tap water. They wont be getting fed till 2moro with that concentrate anyway. should i dilute it back down to what i was using b4 u think?
Ok, my white widows have been in veg for about 18 days, and today i flushed the rockwool cubes with fresh PHd water, and im currently waiting for more water to dechlorinate before mixing up new nutes, and will resume feeding tomorrow. One of the drippers doesnt seem to be working, and i think there is a corresponding unfed looking plant. Dont know how ill fix the broken dripper, it could be blocked, but i suspect its a pressure problem. Ill have a look at it when i next get some spare time. Heres some more photos. The one i suspect hasnt been fed properly is in photo 85 and 89. Anyways, so far so good.. :-P comments, advice or criticism always welcome.



Hey peeps. Ec is now at 1.1 and these white widows are being fed 3 times a day for 15 mins. They seem to be quite healthy. Im less concerned about the discolouring now.. The flush really helped with that. I do now know why its so essential to neutralise the PH properly in the rockwool cubes, as i reckon i have/had a slight ph in-balance in the cubes! Still constantly learning as i go... and really enjoying it. anyways, these girls are 4 weeks old now, and growing nice and bushy :P Im thinking im goin to veg them for another 10-14 days and theyll be ready for the flower room and my 400 watt HPS :bigjoint::leaf::bigjoint:

Comments very welcome.


Hey guys - quick update. They're 5 weeks old, and doin great! EC is at about 1.55 and ph about 5.8. Ive had my ups and downs but for a first grow im very happy so far with the progress, and cant wait for the flowering stage now!!

I just finished installing the 400hps today into my cabinet, along with my carbon filter and inline exhaust fan. Im going to keep them on 18 hours for a few days so they become used to the stronger light, and then start the 12/12 cycle.

Should i just switch to my canna aqua flores straight away or use veg nutes for the first week or 2 and gradually add the flores nutirents. any advice would be greatly received. thanks!


anyone know if its better to switch my nutes at the same time as switching the light cycle to 12/12 or.... keep the veg nutes in and gradually add flower nutes over the next few weeks?