Please Help


Misguided Angel
No don't! Your plant is looking great, why would you want to? Trimming fan leaves is counter productive. Keep up the good work!


i was told if i dont take off some leaves that my bud will end up with alot off leaf in them?


Active Member
Thats sounds correct if you dont remove the leaves there will be alot of leaves. But dont remove them. Or remove them if you want. Some people learn the hard way like me.


Active Member
genetics and factors of growth determine if your bud will be leafy or not. dont trim them while the plant is growing (i suppose you could just before harvest though). after harvest is when you trim your leaves off till then you need the leaves, think of each leaf like a small solar pannel that powers your plant, removing them will give you less surface area for the plant to take in light and convert it to energy thru photosynthesis.


Well-Known Member
if you really wanna know. cut off all the leaves of one branch and compare to the others. then YOU will know for sure.
but for the record if they are green dont cut them especially outdoors with unlimited space and light.


Active Member
if you really wanna know. cut off all the leaves of one branch and compare to the others. then YOU will know for sure.
but for the record if they are green dont cut them especially outdoors with unlimited space and light.
this is actually a good suggestion, whenever i start a new strain, i grow the plants several different ways, some i trim some i LST some i give less nutes etc. this helps me decide what the strain likes and what it does not, therefore i know how to treat the mother and all the clones.


Active Member
your plants look amazing please just leave them alone and you will be so satisfied. you trim the leaves when its done & chopped.