please help !!


Well-Known Member
i don't know whats happening to my plants. i ph my water to 6.5 temps are around 25C during day and about 18 at night so i think that's ok they aren't over or under watered and light is about 2" away.
please click on my sig for more information. i have been noticing something wrong since the very beginning and since then they have been getting worse. tried to correct by raising humidity but nun is working :(
today they had to be watered so i decided to give them a little ff grow big.



Active Member
i don't know whats happening to my plants. i ph my water to 6.5 temps are around 25C during day and about 18 at night so i think that's ok they aren't over or under watered and light is about 2" away.
please click on my sig for more information. i have been noticing something wrong since the very beginning and since then they have been getting worse. tried to correct by raising humidity but nun is working :(
today they had to be watered so i decided to give them a little ff grow big.
The picture on the far left looks like overfert. Same with pic 2... and pic 4. Watch new growth for indications of this... (scorched tips)Also... Treating a problem by adding more nutes can often lead to -more- problems if you're not sure what's up. Less is more.

Best of luck and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
i don't know whats happening to my plants. i ph my water to 6.5 temps are around 25C during day and about 18 at night so i think that's ok they aren't over or under watered and light is about 2" away.
please click on my sig for more information. i have been noticing something wrong since the very beginning and since then they have been getting worse. tried to correct by raising humidity but nun is working :(
today they had to be watered so i decided to give them a little ff grow big.
As previously mentioned, looks like you overdid it. Water only until you feel comfortable transplanting, then you can oversize your next container with correct soil. Also, you might wish to put more holes in those cup sides.


Active Member
Overdone for sure. Also looks like you've overwatered, especially pic 3. The baby roots need to breath, and they need a lot of oxygen in order to grow. They can't do that if they're being drowned. How often are you watering? Only water when your soil is dry, and I wouldn't even be using fertilizer yet.

What kind of light are you using? 2" is pretty close, and pic 2 looks like there could be some heat stress and/or a humidity problem. Make sure all of this stuff is in check.



Well-Known Member
how is it over ferting if i never used nutes yet ?? im watering every 4-5 days. and pic 3 i think underwater anyways. i'll take your advice but i never used nutes and they seemed a lot greener 3 days ago now they are light green that was the reason i gave them a little nutes cause i thought maybe deficiency ? anyway thanks guys
feel free to give you input


Active Member
Definitely. Love to help. Maybe I misread or read to quickly. I just read that you had used nutes and immediately i knew that you shouldn't be using them yet lol. Just keep an eye on them. Could just be a slow start. Make sure your light isn't too close and burning, and make sure you're not watering too much. Make sure the soil is dry before you water again. They're little so they really don't need much water at all. It could be as simple as that. They're babies, so any little thing has a much bigger effect than it would if they were larger.



Active Member
how is it over ferting if i never used nutes yet ?? im watering every 4-5 days. and pic 3 i think underwater anyways. i'll take your advice but i never used nutes and they seemed a lot greener 3 days ago now they are light green that was the reason i gave them a little nutes cause i thought maybe deficiency ? anyway thanks guys
feel free to give you input
You'll get nitrogen lockout if those roots don't get air... If you over water them, or the soil they are in contains nutrients already, then you'll see exactly what you have. Watering in soil is pretty cut and dry, lift the cup, if it feels like it's heavy, then it's not time to water. Also, Al B. Fuct said it best... Plants aren't engines... More doesn't mean faster and UNDER-fertilizing won't stunt the plant as much as OVER-fertilizing.


Well-Known Member
i don't know cause all the things you mentioned i very aware of and try to do best i can. tomorrow i'll try transplanting and see what happens. if they don't recover i'll probably trash the grow and start over. thanks for the help mates. and feel free to give you input


Active Member
i don't know cause all the things you mentioned i very aware of and try to do best i can. tomorrow i'll try transplanting and see what happens. if they don't recover i'll probably trash the grow and start over. thanks for the help mates. and feel free to give you input
My input: Leave them alone and watch the new growth. Don't trash them, don't transplant then. Just stop watering for a few days and watch! :) Everything will work out great, you'll see.


Are those clear cups your using ?? Put some black tape around them so no light can get to the roots.. Light on the roots = Bad


Well-Known Member
Are those clear cups your using ?? Put some black tape around them so no light can get to the roots.. Light on the roots = Bad
fuck thats what i taught before but didn't attempt to fix it plahhh !!!!!


Active Member
Definitly some nute burn. Back off on the nutes. And also when the temperature is higher you should back off on the nutes. The higher temp the thurstier the plants are, and they'll need more water...


Dude theres not much wrong with them plants. a lil nute burn is all .. Id say repot them in bigger pots . With some good soil and dont add any nutes for a while .. and thell be just fine.


Well-Known Member
thx for the input hellrick. but unfortunately they continued to get worse and as they where only about 11 days old i trashed them as i don't want to waste time growing unhealthy plants. started germinating super lemon haze and master kush today. will see how they do. (still don't believe it was nute burn as the problem started from day 3/4 when i never gave them nutes at that time. maybe somthing with the soil don't know)