Please Help :(


Hey all, i went on holidays and left my plant in the care of my Girlfriend and something has gone wrong. :( she has sent me some pictures. I was thinking maybe too much nuts & water.

What do you think?

2012-12-11 20.43.09.jpg2012-12-11 20.43.25.jpg2012-12-11 20.43.36.jpg2012-12-11 20.43.45.jpg


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Whats the temps in the grow area? Is soil wet about inch from top of soil or dry? What kinda nutes? You do have fan moving the air blowing on them?


Whats the temps in the grow area? Is soil wet about inch from top of soil or dry? What kinda nutes? You do have fan moving the air blowing on them?
Well last time i checked it was about 24c-25c the soil was moist but she had just watered about a day ago. there is a fan on it 24/7 and the nuts i am using are a sort of kit that i got from my local hydro shop it was called Plagron Top Grow Box. which has been working great. Well when i was looking after the plant :(

Also, it is only the lower leaves that seem to have this problem, the upper ones look fine.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Ok so thats about 78-80 degrees F which is ok.Fan moving the air. How big are the pots at least 2 gallon pots? I dont know about the nutes. Your water should be around ph7 when watering are you checking the ph with nutes of the water before watering and then catching the run off to check ph to see if there is lockout?


Well the problem is i am not there to check it. I am about 16000km away :) I was just hoping that it might just be too many nuts or water or not enough. I get back in 2 weeks so i am just going to have to hope for the best... :(


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Yeah without much info gonna be hard to tell. If the soil is wet inch below top then it has enough water but hard to tell if it was overwatered. It is tressed but not heat stressed so it may be nute locked b ut no pot sizes and not familar with those nutes or what ph or ppm your using so guess hope for the best.


Well for now i have asked her to switch to water with no nuts. and see how that goes for a week. If it fails ill just have to start again from seed :) at least next time i wont be going on holidays so i can keep a close eye on it.