Please help


New Member
My jack herer plant is 8 days from seed and the edges of my leaves are looking almost black. I have added two pics. Do they look healthy?! Im using 2 cfl lights 75 watt equivalent, miracle grow gardening soil watering every 3 days. Using power pak 20-20-20 once a weekend


i don't see anything black, but that could be from cold stress, seedlings need a relative warmer (27 C) and more humid (70-80% RH) environment.

and i'm not pretty familiar with soil grow cuz i've started aero, but i don't think that you're supposed to give her any nutrients whatsoever for the first month because the soil already has it, actually for the seedlings you even have to use a poor nutrient soil, because otherwise they could get nute burned from only the soil nutrients alone.


New Member
Thx bro. My temp is steady at 85F. Night time temp is about 70F. I just transplanted today and my plant cant stand up straight. It falls right over. Is that normal??
My jack herer plant is 8 days from seed and the edges of my leaves are looking almost black. I have added two pics. Do they look healthy?! Im using 2 cfl lights 75 watt equivalent, miracle grow gardening soil watering every 3 days. Using power pak 20-20-20 once a weekend
I would pay more attention to your watering you see how these leaves are starting to get a waviness to them (more apparent in 2nd picture, that kink on the topside of the leaf)? that's indicative of overwatering. make sure the soil is pretty dry before you water next


I agree with LED Kid. looks like to much water. get a moisture meter at home depot. 6 or 7 bucks. Tells ph moisture and light but I use it for the moisture only. I started my seedlings in Mg. Later found out its not to great for MJ plants. Don't fert. there's plenty nutes in MG soil it's time released. So when you put more you run into problems. Just ro water. for now but don't over do it. Had mines in a plastic cup and watered once every 3 to 4 days. I waited 2 1/2 weeks transplanted in a different soil and gave 1/4 to 1/2 strength nutes.