Please Help !!!!


Well-Known Member
weed pic.jpg Ok where do I start. I'm using FFOF from seedling and everything was going great until like day 25. I noticed some Springtails which I have had before . Only in the soil runoff. The dark green leaves look like Nitro Toxicity to me , soil reads 7 % all the time. I'm not sure if this is pest problems or toxicity ??? The new growth is looking fine, I just put them into flower three days ago ( switched to 12 / 12 ) , they are definitely growing however there seems to be problems.
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Well-Known Member
I water them about every 4 - 5 days, but I have a soil tester and it says it's moist. Not sure how I got the N Toxicity since I did not really add any nutes, I did put a few drops of FF Big Bloom in one of the waters hoping they would perk up. If I have not added any nutes then why flush, will it help the toxicity ? I was trying to water lightly so the Springtails would disappear !!! Man, problem after problem.


Well-Known Member
They are in 5 gallon buckets. how much should I flush with ? I was so excited as this is my first Photoperiod Grow ( done autos prior ) and things went South fast. I'm only growing two plant's. One is Ripper seeds Zombie Kush and the other is Ripper Old school. The other plant was fine and now it's looking the same. DAMN !!!


Well-Known Member
There are two ways to check to see if your plants need to be watered that I use.

First is just sticking a finger deep in the soil. You should be able to feel if there is a significant amount of moisture or not. If things feel real dry you can probably go ahead and water again.

I prefer though to go by the weight of the pot. Lift up your pot right after you water, feel that weight? When that weight is about 75% of what it was after you watered you're clear to water again.

The main reason I guessed under watering was because I too was using Fox Farms and allowing my plants three to four days between watering and I was wondering why they looked over watered and it's because over watering and under watering look almost the same. I read a tip that if you got droopy leaves you've over watered but if you got droopy stems then you're under watered.

Don't flush your plant with tons of water now imo you're only going to go from one extreme to the next. Just give them a regular watering, a kiss on the atypical stem, and leave them alone they'll do great I promise you.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
They are in 5 gallon buckets. how much should I flush with ? I was so excited as this is my first Photoperiod Grow ( done autos prior ) and things went South fast. I'm only growing two plant's. One is Ripper seeds Zombie Kush and the other is Ripper Old school. The other plant was fine and now it's looking the same. DAMN !!!

The damn plants are just FINE!
NOTHING has gone "south fast"!!!!
The N looks just about right for a charged soil like OF! It will get used and begin to need feeding,,not yet!

DO NOT worry about Springtails at all! They will NOT effect the plants growth!

I do not see underwatering.....I like to water a metered amount everyday (at lights on) that will take the plant to the next day at lights on...This makes for more O2 to the roots and that's a good thing!


Well-Known Member
Thank you all so very much for taking time out of your day for my problems, there are many good and caring people in this world.