please i need serious help


Well-Known Member
im on day 13 of my second grow.
first grow went great harvested 7 ounces dry off 6 plants

but anyhow.. i hve 7 white widow plants vegging right now.

i havent started using any nutrients yet.
im under a 600 watt MH bulb and a few CFL's
temperature ranges between 70-80 degrees thru out the day

they are on 18/6 cycle
they are in 3 gallon smart pots.

i watered them with a gallon of water total for all 8 yesterday morning.

and today within the last hour they all started looking like this


this morning only 1 plant was drooping. and now basically all of them are doing this.

the water i used was from a reservoir i just found out the PH was 7.8

so i think they need to be watered again.. a few people told me it looks like over watering.. but

i just put some PH down in the water and brought it down to 5.8 and water about 1 cup in each plant

PLEASE HELP.. i dont want to lose this grow


Well-Known Member
mmkay how often are u watering them? and u need to lower those temps. then u need to get soil ph to about 6.5, that is your goal. and then what re u feeding them and how much? and it does looked over watered, i water my baby every 3-4 days


Well-Known Member
ok what do i need to bring the temps down to??

i need to get a soil ph tester, i only have a water 1. and no feeding yet just water.
i thought it was to soon for nutes.. i didnt start nutres on my last grow until day 21 of veg.

and i watered them 3 days ago, then again yesterday. but i didnt even put that much, because there was no drippage at the bottom of the pot. so i did just water a little bit more with the proper Water PH.

&& if it was overwatered why would the effect come now, its been over 24hours since my last watering. which was 1 gallon total for all 8 plants


Well-Known Member
it may need more water, a gollon for 7 3 gallon pots isnt alot. i dont nute till rapid upward growth happens. i like my temps to be 75 but 80 wont kill them but hot air doesnt contain as much co2. dont waste money on a soil ph tester a buddy had one an its kinda fuss. i just use drainage water that i slowly water the plant till it drips not recomended by most but gets you close, u can also grab a handfull of dirt an squeez out water to test but thats a bigger pain. also if u got good soil like fox farms or my favorite humbolt an many other good soils have dolomite lime i belive it is that, that helps regulate the ph. once watered with a ph of 4 ish (my mistake didnt check ph until the 5th gallon) ph was still at a 6ish (checked with drain water). but ne ways thats my 2 cents, keep updating an have a growtastic day


Well-Known Member
water your plants till it runs out the bottom. feel its weight. lift each plant. when they feel really light.......water again.


Well-Known Member
What type of dirt is that you want your water ph 6.5
water when the pot is lightweight a 3 gallon pot and
then little plants water maybe once a week water till
you have a good run off not a cup at a time let'em
dry out good then water then good not a cup at a time?


Active Member
Yea strip test your soil get your ph to about 6.5. For three gallons of soil you want at least one gallon of water to regulate the soil ph thru out the soil no dry pockets. Plus the roots maybe very deep but for now get your ph in check.


Active Member
Looks like is a moisture problem to me.
And you spiked the PH so thats gonna affect them too.
Your best bet is to add a few tablespoons of dolomite lime to each plant and mix it into the top soil
(From now on pre adjust your water to a PH of 6.5 every time you water)
Give them a light watering, then about 5 minutes later give them another light watering, then about 10 minutes later, give them another watering (by this point they should be pretty soaked and heavy)
Then leave them alone and dont look at them for 2 days.
Then check back in on em and see how they look.