Please ID these ShrOOms


Well-Known Member
lol eat a fwe...are you serious..if they are poisonious you will foam at the mouth and fall over and die a horrible death..and it wont take much for that wtf? what kind of comment is that?


Active Member
well, they look like libs, but caps are too big, and spores do not look purple, plus stem is brown.
major indicators include, white stems,and stems briuse blue/light blue/purpleish.
but take a spore print.
if it is NOT purple it is NOT safe to eat.


I'm %95 Sure They're Not Psychedelic. I'd Bruise Them Then Eat A Few Just To See What'd Happen But You Should Def Not Do The Same.

liberty caps make you trip and are just as common as normal shrooms where im from. and just because they bruise blue doesnt mean it wont kill you never eat a shroom unless I was 100% sure


Well-Known Member
I would:
Bruise them, if they bruise blue, then its a good sign.
then take a spore print, if it is purple or purple-brown,
then i would eat a few but under a eighth