please identify my problem + REP


Well-Known Member
3rd week of flower, hydroton on a drip system, 1000watts hps. the problem seems to be spreading throughout this one plant slowly. All plants are feeding off the same rez and haven't seen the problem occurring with any other plants yet.



Well-Known Member
yeah its on a drip, temps are kinda low. probably high 50s. Roots are white from what is sticking out of the bottom, not sure what they look like within the medium.


Well-Known Member
I do not believe so.. my thoughts was it could be a possible toxic salt build up due to the fact the drips havent been flushed themselves and I see white residue in the spot where the water drips down the dripper itself.


Active Member
Your temps are too low. I would start by trying to keep them around 70 if possible. Second I would check your ph and try and keep that between 5.8 and 6.2 drip systems are notorious for ph rising. If that all seems good I would flush with plain water and back off the nutes but if it is just the 1 plant I am thinking maybee a cold spot in your room like by a window or something. Hope this helps Peace,Afi


Well-Known Member
doubt it has anything to do with ph because every plant is on the same res.
also yeah the temps are too low. only one plant in the whole crop has issue? maybe it is getting stressed from it

clear the drip a little flush and see what happens

Nubby Tubbs

New Member
looks like a haze, or at least a sativa which can be more sensitive to nutrients and overwatering. thats my first impression. the downward curl IS from cold i think. i moved some snips to my basement and they did the same thing.


Well-Known Member
i think it s a bit sensitive to the 1000w , looks stressed to state the obvious.
the part that is stressing is on the outer edges of the scrog so I don't think it is the light, no other plants have shown signs of the same problem.. I no the cold temp is an issue but once again its only this one plant. Same with the reservoir all other plants are linked to the reservoir through a drip system but its only this one plant.