Please, is this a Male? My fav one also....


Well-Known Member
Well, here HE is..

Planted March 9th
AeroGarden Veggie Pro
Nirvana Mystery Seed
Flowered for nearly one full week.
Supplemental lighting limited to 6x CFL's Side lighting.



Well-Known Member
Let me know how that BM smokes..i bought some of them seeds last grow season but had to ditch the grow...made me sooo sooo mad....but i would like to know if its worth it to buy again and try again


Well-Known Member
Sure will.

The one in Soil is kicking arse! Left her out on the Balcony today while I am at the office. She LOVES IT!


Carolina Green Bud

Active Member
I'm pretty sure that's a male. Female pre-flowers, even at their smallest, are always teardrop shaped. From my experience, those look like the beginning of male pre-flowers to me. Still, you have a little while longer before you have to cull it.

Also, the fact that it's your best looking plant (though I bet it's the stretchiest plant you have also) points to it being a male. One thing I've noticed about male plants, they always seem like the best looking plants (greenest, strongest, biggest trunk and branches), but they are stretchy and not nearly as bushy as females are.
This is useful information.
I'm growing 5 Kaya Golds from feminized seeds that I got from Nirvana. I started in 16oz stadium cups and one plant from the very beginning has grown faster, and looked more vigorous than the others. It has always been at least 1/3 taller than the others. I made a post on here about the time that I transfered them, asking if with hybrids of the same strain, if one plant could look different. It's leaves are even shaped a little different. One reply warned that it might be male. They have been moved to 5 gallon buckets and this one just took off. It is still about 1/3 taller, and it is definitely "stretchy" like you say. The plants are about 6 weeks old now, and the other 4 appear to be forming female "preflowers". In fact, I'm pretty sure, the sticky on sexing is pretty good with females in pre-flower, not so much with males. It's also been fairly cloudy here lately, and that may be contributing to this, I don't know. This one, not so clear yet. I'm growing outside, and they will not truly flower until August, so I'm not going to do anything yet, but I'm starting to feel that this one is male or maybe a hermie. So, if 4 out of 5 of my feminized seeds are indeed female, I'll still be happy, but that's 80% not 99.25 % If 75 out of 10,000 are male, I guess I was unlucky.